Dating apps are becoming more rampant nowadays. People are becoming more comfortable dating online. Before you become overly attached and enter into a committed relationship with someone you met online, you should be able to recognize these warning signs if they occur. There are things you should watch out for as they show that the person you are texting most likely wants to take an advantage of you.
The Red Flags in Dating Apps you Should Watch out for are:
1. They discuss their ex
A warning sign is when you meet someone who seems fixated on their ex. They aren’t ready to let go of the person just yet, whether they continue to like them or spend the entire time complaining about them. You probably don’t want to deal with this if your actions are compared to those of their ex. As a result, you’ll start to feel pressure to uphold their standards or treat the person you’re interested in better than their ex did.
2. They ask you for money
A red flag that you cannot and should not ignore is if someone you met online asks you for money. One of the clearest indications that someone is speaking to you inappropriately is when they do this. Nobody who you’ve just met shouldn’t be requesting money from you. It doesn’t matter how much you have in common with someone or how you connect with them.

There are people out there who will take advantage of your generosity. Even though you might want to think that everyone is good and wouldn’t ask you for money unless they were in dire need, you can bet that they have taken advantage of others in the past and will do so again.
3. They warn you about themselves
Believe people who warn you about potential problems with themselves. Finding the good in someone unable to do so themselves is not your responsibility. Even though you might not understand why they don’t like themselves, take it as a warning sign and keep looking. People will occasionally refer to themselves in jest as psychotic or sociopaths. Run away from the person you’re speaking to if they engage in this behaviour. Whether or not they are joking is irrelevant. It’s not worth taking a chance just to go on a date.
Also Check Out: Online Dating: 8 Positive and Negative Aspects
4. They flatter you quite a lot
A warning sign is when someone you’ve just met tries to flatter you. They might constantly compliment you on how lovely, intelligent, and special you are. After just one or two conversations, they might act as though you are the most amazing person they have ever met.

Someone who behaves in this manner probably has bad intentions for you. Even though you might find these stories entertaining, keep in mind that this person does not know you.
5. Vague Description on their Bio
Your first impression of someone’s personality, interests, and dating preferences comes from their online dating profile. A profile is meant to provide you with a brief introduction to a person, it is not worthwhile to waste your time. If they make no effort, they might not have anything to offer.
6. Using the I Love You card
On the internet, you might frequently encounter people who are expressing their love. It’s a useful technique for eliminating those who jump into relationships too soon.

It usually takes a few days or weeks for someone to realize they are in love with them, even though they may express it frequently. There are people whose feelings are so fickle they fall in love immediately after someone new comes into their lives, beware.
7. They won’t send you any photos
It’s crucial to get to know each other as well as to physically meet when dating online. Someone is likely lying if they offer justifications for why they can’t send you a picture.
You might just have run into someone who catfishes. People who are not being truthful about who they are frequently employing this strategy. A person who is actively looking for love online ought to be able to send photos.