I finally started blogging!!!!! I now actually have a blog site where I can post all my writings, experiences, and those of my friends who want me to post theirs as well. I now have a platform where I can tell stories and people will read it. I couldn’t be prouder of myself now.
Starting this blog was a tough nut to crack. I had to overcome some obstacles before I was able to do so. The obstacles aren’t human created but “Me” created obstacles (smiles). They are procrastination, indiscipline, laziness, and lack of time management. I had to fight to overcome all these obstacles before I was able to succeed in creating my blog.

I had always loved writing since I was a child. Writing has become part of me that I write down every single thing that happens to me in my diary or journal. I write both on my phone, laptop, and in a book. But starting up something like this (blog site) even though it was in mind, was difficult to start up.
It also took the challenge and support of a lovely friend and that of my brother to successfully create this blog site.
I am happy that I finally have a platform where I can voice out in a written form and people will read and hear me. Blogging isn’t an easy thing, but I hope to be consistent and to be able to satisfy you, my lovely friends. Hoping you will be my devout friends, in whom together, we will grow higher. Your engagements such as commenting and sharing my works will go a long way in growing this newbie.

I will be writing on:
Lifestyle: if you are looking to improve yourself, your life, you are in the right place. Because my blog will provide you with good tips on how to lead a good and nice life. Based on my experiences and those of my friends who want their stories to be heard as well. And also from other reliable sources. click here to start your life improvement
Relationship: Things that concern relationships, tips and stories from peoples experiences and other sources will be posted in this category to make you have a better relationship with anyone, both family, friends and intimate relationship. so read on to get more tips on how to improve a healthy relationship. if you love improvement click here
Writing: This category is for your leisure time. I will be posting more of my works: fiction, non-fiction and poems. I love writing and I love the imagination world. I write as the inspiration comes and I am very sure you will love all my stories. So, click here and get started already.
Movies: I had always wanted to be an actress growing up, (I still would love to act, if given the opportunity). I love watching movies, it is more than a hobby to me. It is also my source of happiness. Movie is like a generational something in my family, my grandma loves watching movies. my mother loves watching movies and my aunt needs a Grammy award for seeing movies. she ranks high in all of us including me.
I know there are people like me, who are out there looking for movie recommendations. so i will be posting recent, semi-recent and old movies, based on the ones I have seen and from other sources too. All works and NO play isn’t good for you so, click here and have fun.
Books: I am an Information scientist, even though I have inborn love for books, studying this course also increased the love for books. In this category, I will be posting books with their summaries that will be of great help to you. If you are looking to cultivate a reading culture or you want to boost your already existing one, this blog is definitely for you.
Do not waste more time. Click here and begin your journey to building a good life.
You can contact me, through my email address johellaaworld@gmail.com. Or just click on any of the social media icons down below.