Who doesn’t like traveling? I know that after reading this title some of you will quickly give excuse of “I don’t have money or I have little time”. There are cheap flights now and also cheap trains or buses to travel with now. The aspect of time, after reading this post I’m very sure you will be willing to create time for yourself and start traveling at least once in a year.
The benefits of traveling can’t be emphasized enough. There are just too many benefits of traveling; health wise, personality, experience, development etc. Studies show that travelling can improve your overall health and enhance your creativity. Therefore, you need to take time out from your daily tasks, office responsibilities, hectic schedule, and everyday pressures at least once in a year. Plan a tour to a new city with an open schedule and let life present you with the numerous opportunities. Traveling changes you psychologically and physically. Traveling brings positive changes to someone’s life. If you are not fully convinced keep reading below.
The top 5 benefits of traveling and why you should start traveling in 2022:
People who travel often have less tendency to be stressed, depressed or even tired. Traveling can boost your happiness and satisfaction and make you to be emotionally balanced. It lowers risk of depression and relieves you from stress of life, work, relationship and any other form of stress. It helps your physical health because when you travel, you will have time to engage in some activities like swimming, hiking etc.

And studies have also found that traveling reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Yes! Traveling changes you as a person, it enhances your creativity. Traveling will make you know the tiny space you occupy in this world. When you travel to a new destination, you have the opportunity to try new things and gain invaluable knowledge. Not exclusively does that lead us to change our way of life and perspective, yet it additionally fosters our personality and character.
Scientific research has proven that traveling influences an individual’s “Big Five”, comprising of five predominant character attributes, to be specific receptiveness to encounters, extraversion, enthusiastic dependability, conscientiousness, and appropriateness. By meeting new people and submerging yourself in another nation and culture, you for the most part will turn out to be more:
- Receptive
- Unconstrained
- Fearless
- Autonomous
- Trusting
- Tough
- Innovative
- Productive
Traveling broadens your horizons and enhances your life experience. It helps you know more about other people’s culture, how to respect it and how to tolerate it as well. There is an Igbo proverb that says “the traveler has more knowledge than the gray haired”. This is because of the experiences the traveler has acquired while traveling. These experiences and knowledge can’t be compared with someone who hasn’t left a location or place of birth.
Despite the fact that these generally sound fabulous, there are likewise times that you need to adapt to new circumstances, issues, and difficulties. The abilities and experience you gain from these moment give you long lasting personal advantages as well as a benefit in the professional world. Generally, it makes you more fascinating personally. There is no doubt that every travel experience is different. Likewise the life lessons you will gain from them.
People make up generalizations of places and people to better understand the world. This implies that you as of now have an assumption of what Italy, China, America or Thailand look like.

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page” saint Augustine
Nonetheless, just when you at long last advance into the obscure and inundate yourself in the local culture of that place is the point at which you will find out. Your hands-on experience probably won’t meet your assumed perspective. This will change your viewpoint no matter what. It shows you things that you can just not learn out of books, similar to social and communication skills, social responsiveness and understanding, and worldwide capability. In our globalized world, these skills have become inestimable to a future employer.
Besides, traveling gets you real-life education. You will learn about the history, culture, and people in a given country. You even may have the opportunity to learn and pick up a new language! Which in my opinion, it’s better to learn a language from the indigene so as to know and understand better how to pronounce the words and the meaning of the words.
Yes! Traveling is fun. You get to make new friends. Meet different people from different social status and different backgrounds and culture. You get to even fall in love; some people do. Instead of only watching documentaries, TV shows, books about a place or nation, and listening to the history and culture of people from another person’s point of view, you will experience it yourself when you travel to that place. It will no longer be hear say. I don’t know for you but I love seeing and hearing from the horse’s mouth or from the place of origin.
I believe or hope I have been able to convince you to start traveling at least once in a year with these five benefits of traveling. I will also leave you with this lovely quote:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain
Note: Traveling must not necessarily be abroad, you can start locally and then go international.
Feel free to leave a comment below, stating where you have traveled to before or where you will be traveling to. Or the benefits that you like the most.