Talking about the year 2021 will mean talking about how well it was spent. Have you thought about how well you spent this year? If No, this time is the best time to do so because we are already in the last month of the year 2021.
Ending 2021 and Starting 2022?
Well, I woke up this morning and that was the thought that crossed my mind and I thought I should share the post with you all. Reviewing your life annually is something everyone should learn to do because it’s very helpful. Each time I meditate on how well my life was spent annually, it gives me both joy and sadness. But that is just how life is. Life gives you joy and gives you sadness, it’s not always a bed of roses.
When I was reviewing my life, I discovered I had achieved a lot of things I didn’t know I would achieve at this stage of my life. But I kept wondering why I used to be very sad some months ago and calling myself useless because I wasn’t able to achieve some goals that I set for myself. But today I must say I am very proud of myself and I’m very grateful to God for all that I have achieved this year.
This year taught me to be stronger. This year, I experienced a lot of first times in my life but I’m happy because they made me stronger. This year also, I made lots of new friends and in this year, I let some friends go. This year I started my baby blog , a platform that helped me share my thoughts and things I loved with others and I must say I am very grateful to you reading this right now because if it wasn’t for you, this my baby blog won’t be succeeding always.
After reviewing my life in 2021 which is still ongoing though, I must say that I am happy that I made something out of this year.
Now talking about the year 2022 will mean talking about the goals and plans you set for it. It’s not reviewing at this stage but its setting the goal and how to achieve it. Have you set your 2022 goals? If No, what are you still waiting for?
I have set my goals and how to achieve them and hoping that 2022 will be better than 2021 which is everyone’s prayer by the way. Setting a goal helps you have a focus. It is not just a motivational talk, it is reality. When you know what you want to achieve, you will do anything to make it come true. But when you don’t know what you want, you will find yourself doing whatever is available at that point.
That is why it is very advisable to set a goal before the first month of the New Year. So you see, now is the best time to do it. When you do this, you will find out that you will be happy with yourself. Setting a goal also makes you to be disciplined. You will be time conscious and focused on achieving your goals.
To make 2022 a better year, you must first set a goal. Agree with yourself that you will stick to your goals. Because it will definitely be difficult to achieve at some point, that is why you need to agree with yourself that even in the storm, you will stick to your goal. Your goal should be flexible though. Make sure to set weekly, monthly and yearly goals, it really helps trust me.
Try to add that thing you feel is very difficult for you to achieve, because you don’t know when next you will have the time to do it if not now.
There is a quote I came across and this quote has always been on my mind:
“One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Do it now!” By Paulo Coelho Author of the Alchemist.
The quote is more of a scary one to me than a warning one. I am scared each time I read it and it helps me make more stern decisions.
What is it that you are waiting for before you start doing what you love or want to do? Life is short. Make the best use of life before you leave it. The cemetery houses the greatest talents in the world.
Start your 2022 now instead of waiting for 1st of January 2022 to make a New Year resolutions that you will end up not meeting up with.
Thanks for reading!
I hope I inspired you?
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