Everyone is likely trying to be a leader in their various aspect of life one day. This is a good thing to hope for but this will only be a dream if some things are not put in place.
Leaders are those who are charged with the sole responsibility of guiding other people who are known as followers towards a particular goal and also to create more leaders.
Like a popular quote that says “Leaders are not born but made“. This shows that everyone can be a leader if they only want to be.
It’s a thing of self development and constant improvement. I’m happy to have you here as this post will be highlighting the 5 important leadership skills that everyone who is aspiring to be a leader will have to develop in order to excel.
With this trait, so many leaders have been made and some are still climbing the ladder to the top. You can join the leagues of leaders but your first step should be from these following skills:
1. Communication
If I’m asked what’s the most important skill a man needs to attain great height in life, I’ll gladly say communication skills.
This skill happens to be the most important because without communication, I don’t think there can be any other thing.
Communication can be verbal or non verbal but I’ll recommend that both of them should be learnt. We are in the world where every form of freedom will need to be fought for by word which may be spoken or written. This is one of the reasons why communication is important.
2. Time management
This is another skill that all leaders must possess, not only for our sake but for the sake of our followers. As a leader, you’re expected to lead people towards a particular goal and the goal is to be achieved within a short or long period of time.
Knowing how to manage time is a very important skill a leader must learn because it will help in execution of plans for your team and also increase your efficiency.
All you do as a leader is not for you and it’s also for you.
3. Resource management
This is quite a skill that leader should learn. It’s so important that it can make or mar your career as a leader.
It’s good to know how and when to channel resources. This will help you build a great reputation for yourself because even if you don’t embezzle any funds and you don’t know how to manage resources, you may be labeled as a looter.
4. Patience
To be a successful leader, you must be patient. This skill can never be overemphasize because it’s important.
It’s true that you’re a leader but I want you to understand that you’re also a follower because you will have to pick from suggestions given by your followers.
Most of the time, insults may come in as a result of action which may not completely be your action because you followed their advice but you will have to understand them.
Patience is quite underrated in this our world, that’s why we have a leader who will get angry at the slightest provocation which shouldn’t be so.
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5. Foresight
There’s a great difference between foresight and dreams. Dreams is what pushes you to do something, make a difference, build an empire, have a business but foresight is the ability to calculate the risk attached to a particular project.
A leader must be able to calculate the risk attached to every project they have at hand. This will give them the chance to prepare adequate measure to counter the risk when triggered.
Leaders are once followers and followers will also become a leader one day. Every one of us should put this skills in place while we need them less because we may not have the chance to build them in a hurry when needed.
Leadership and management aren’t the same, so when defining leadership, you need to know what it means.
All the skills mentioned can be developed in some specific ways which will be discussed in our subsequent post.