As an employer or an employee, it’s quite crucial to have the feeling of been valued. Working for a course is something that can be energy consuming most times and when I say energy consuming, I mean can really leave you no choice than going extra miles to make sure some things work.
There are several reasons people can earn your gratitude at work and it’s always good to give it when it’s expected. The following are some things people at your place of work can do to earn your gratitude.
1. Helped you cover up some of your mistakes.
2. Contribute to the growth of the company by going extra miles.
3. Being faithful especially when it comes to money.
4. When your employees secure for the company a great tangible deal.
Those are few that we can mention because there is always more to be grateful for as an employee or employer.
However, it’s quite good to know how to express mindfulness and gratitude at work as an employer because you can’t really know what the outcome may be. To some people, you applauding or been grateful to some may not sit well with them so it’s advisable to know how to express mindfulness and gratitude at work.
The following are ways you can approach when trying to express mindfulness and gratitude at work.
1. Give a collective thanks
As an employer, it’s good to avoid anything that can bring in confusion or cause division between your coworker and this can happen if you only applaud just some particular set of people without noticing the others.
Start your workday or meetings by sharing what you are thankful for with your coworkers and have them do likewise. This simple act of public thanksgiving can provide some great benefits. Furthermore, this type of group sharing is likely to build stronger personal bonds among associates and improve the workplace culture.
Some of them may not actually have done something that much but to increase their moral, you should applaud every one of them.
2. Give a personal thanks
This is a twin to the first point. By giving a collective thanks, you may have wronged some people who thought they need to be applauded specially because of the extra things they have done to ensure the growth of the company.
This may actually be true because we will surely have people that plays the lead role in our offices.

However, you should share a personal thank you with your most reliable performers in private conversation. Show your appreciation for someone through a nice handwritten letter or card. (While emails can serve this purpose too, letters and cards are usually viewed as more personal and heartfelt, so they are more likely to be seen as meaningful by the recipients.)
You can also consider buying your coworker a small gift as a token of appreciation for a job well done.
But, to avoid misunderstanding, you should try and be specific of the exact reason why you are appreciating such person of that particular team so your kind gesture won’t be misinterpreted.
3. Recognize those that doesn’t want to be recognized
We all have this type of people who love doing underground works. They prefer providing ideas and letting someone else execute the idea because they are not ready to face the spotlight that will shine on them.
But it is good to let them know they won’t have to hide forever by recognizing their great role played and commending them accordingly.
The reason for their hiding may actually be because they haven’t felt the sense of been appreciated but I can assure you that if they experience that just once, they will love to come out of their shells.
4. Give them all a nice treat
This is another way to appreciate your coworkers in a very modest way. Giving them a time off their job and driving them all to a restaurant for lunch isn’t a bad thing to do as a team leader or a boss.
Most of your team members and employee are so engulfed in your work that they can’t even remember the last time they had lunch.
You can reward their hard work with a nice treat and I’m sure this will be celebrated.
In conclusion, gratitude has a way of increasing peoples moral, try it more and you will see the increase in your workers ability. Everyone loves to be appreciated.