Forever is the word everyone wants to hear when they are in a relationship. It’s everyone’s dreams and prayer that their relationship should last forever but many relationship doesn’t even last a year. Checking out the reasons for this, I’m able to understand that some of us don’t really know how to make love work. Forgiveness is one of the most important factor in love because you’re dealing with a human being that isn’t perfect.
The following are the secrets on how you can make your love last forever:
1. Don’t take love for granted
Taking love for granted is one of the reasons why most of the relationships fail to last. When you put some effort into your work, it pays off. That is exactly what would happen when you focus on your love life and your partner. After taking care of yourself, your partner should be a priority. Like a flower or a plant, love needs to be nurtured in order to stay vibrant and alive.
2. Spend time with your partner
For some, time is money; but putting time into your relationships is a deal worth the investment. Spending time does not mean doing anything extra, just being there or listening to how their day went is enough to make your partner know how much they mean to you.

Sometimes you might have to say no to friends’ plans or staying late at work but remember, your love is a priority and you have to invest some time in it.
3. Make your loved one smile
Making your partner smile would be an easy task if you know what makes them happy. It might be as simple as washing the dishes, coming back home with a flower, sending a morning text or cooking a nice dinner for them. If you have not figured out yet what makes your partner smile, let this be your next mission. Trust us, a smile could do wonders!
Also Check Out: Love Definition (part 1)
4. Random gifts or surprises are true magic
Knowing your partner’s taste is key to a happy relationship. Anniversary gifts, Valentine’s Day gifts, and occasion gifts, in general, are expected even though it makes your partner happy. If you are looking to walk the extra mile and please them even more, then opt for the unexpected random gifts. It does not have to be fancy gifts but leaving a love letter, a thank you note for the tasty food they cooked, a flower for no reason, their favorite chocolate bar or something they have always wanted would make them feel over the moon! It will genuinely make your partner know how much you love them and that they were on your mind all day.
5. Be yourself
Your partner had fallen in love with you for who you are. Don’t try to be someone else or mirror your partner. Make time for yourself, spend some time alone, chase your own dreams and make yourself happy. If you expect your partner to be the source of your own happiness, you will end up disappointed.
6. Don’t let fights ruin your love
Fights happen, all the time and for too many reasons no matter how hard you try to avoid them. Fighting or getting mad at each other does not mean you stopped loving each other or it is time for the relationship to end. It takes a wise couple to understand that a fight is not the end of the world and keeping love is the most important thing after all. Let go of the things that frustrate you and remind your partner of all the good things that you share.
Those were 6 secrets on how to make your love last forever. It has worked for so many people. It will work for you too.