Forgiveness is peace. We offending ourselves is one of the proof that we are still human. Only a divine being can be so perfect that they won’t offend anyone at all.
We may have expressed some pain because of the way we are being treated by someone we hold so dear to, because I will like you to understand that you can’t be hurt by someone you don’t care about. Hurt only comes from someone we hold so dear and cherish so I will advise you always lookout for that offense because sooner or later, that person will offend you one day.
However this post is written to give us tips that helps us forgive someone who hurt us.
There are so many reasons you should forgive people who hurt you. There’s a popular quote that says, “Forgive people not because they deserve it but because you deserve the peace”.
Not forgiving someone who offends us poisons our personality
Most of us are better people until we are wronged by those we love and this turned us into something else because we are filled with hatred. This isn’t who we are
Sucks out the good energy in us
Keeping grudges has a way of sucking out the good vibes that can be used to do something else reasonable. We just find ourselves hating everything, not concentrating at work, feeling so uneasy and having this bad cloud all around our lives.
Make our day unfruitful
I don’t know about you but whenever I’m having any issue with anyone, I don’t lay my hands on any project until I have my peace back by forgiving that person. You may have tried it before but you will realize that there’s no gain in keeping grudges especially if the person you are having issues with don’t even know. They enjoy their day while you waste yours.
Those are some bad implications of not forgiving those who hurt us. Now to the main point of forgiving.

You can follow the below tips as they are proven ways that really helps get the load off your shoulders:
1. See through their value
It’s important to note that someone doing something bad today doesn’t really mean they are bad. We all have what we are facing and we react to things due to what is going on in our lives. You should understand that the offense made towards you doesn’t make the person an animal. They are still human.
They may practically be wrong but that doesn’t mean they are bad all through. It’s just the tide at that particular point in time.
2. Sacrifice your ego to be right
Sacrifice your ego to be right, simply implies that you let go of trying to be right even if you are. People doesn’t need to know that you are wronged.
For a relationship or friendship to be mutual, you really need to let go of the urge to be right every time. Sometimes, for the sake of peace, you should just accept them for who they are.
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3. Subdue the thought of having to pay back in the same cup you are paid
You should never think of paying evil with evil. This is against all religion rule and it’s always not good for relationship.
You should never think of punishing someone who hurts you because even if you do, that doesn’t make you feel better.
4. Don’t use your anger to manipulate others
Some people will realize they have offended us immediately they do and they may be trying to make restitution but that doesn’t give you the chance to feed on their soberness. You should forgive them immediately.
5. Accept the world the way it is
Knowing that this world isn’t fair is the right consciousness to have. It keep you out of some troubles because once you know that this world isn’t fair, you expect less from people and don’t even care what they do.
Human will always be human but it’s your choice to be a better version of human.
You forgiving someone doesn’t mean you are condoning their nonsense. It’s just a way of showing that you are better than them so don’t think people will take you for granted when you forgive. It helps your reputation.