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How to Overcome Shyness


Some people are shy. Some people are not. Some people are born shy, while others are shy because of things that have happened in their life like being bullied or a lack of confidence. You’re not alone, between 40 and 60 percent of adults reported they are shy. It is not a bad thing, in different cultures, being shy is seen as respectful, polite and thoughtful.

 Being shy and suffering with social anxiety can sometimes be the biggest road block when it comes to making new friends, meeting new people, missing out on new opportunities, events and even fully expressing who you are. We know social anxiety and shyness can be really difficult to overcome. Some people don’t feel like they can ever be themselves or only feel relaxed when in a very small group of close friends.

These few tips will help you overcome shyness. If you think your shyness is holding you back, let’s learn how to get past it now and boost your confidence whenever shyness appears.

Don’t let that fear hold you back

Shyness sometimes come about due to a fear of rejection. Rejection is something that we all have faced at some point in our lives. Whether it’s rejection in love, in work or between friends, don’t let that fear hold you back, resilience is key and if at first, you don’t succeed, pick yourself up and try again.

Engage yourself

Overcoming shyness is about coming out of your comfort zone. Even something like answering the phone at work, or knocking next door for a parcel seems like the most daunting thing at the time but with hindsight, you think, ‘well, that was no big deal’. Don’t avoid these social situations, take a deep breath and push yourself a tiny bit each time, you’ll be surprised what you’re capable of and how quickly it becomes easier.

Find out if you’re naturally shy or there’s a reason

Some people are just shier than others and that’s OK. Remember that the world would not work without shy and loud people. And some of the most famous people in history have been naturally shy people. Science shows why some people are naturally more shy and introverted than others, and you can be an extrovert and shy, or an introvert and confident! They’re not exactly the same.

Develop your talent

If you’re good at something like cooking, running, music or makeup – nurture it. It may not be groundbreaking, prodigious talent, but if you channel that nervous energy into an activity, you’ll feel ten times better about yourself when you see it improve.

It also provides a great talking point for conversations when you run out of things to say and things get awkward – we all know that feeling!

Speak to people that can help

It may not feel like you’re the best at talking to people. But have you noticed it’s easier to talk to others when they share a similar experience? It feels completely different talking to somebody at your school or workplace, compared to talking to someone while playing a game. So put yourself in situations where you find these people, and can talk about things you both love. The more you do this, the easier it’ll get. We promise.

If you’re struggling to find a place where people have similar experiences as you, we’ve got an anonymous community that could be perfect. Explore it here.

Develop your confidence

Sometimes, feeling shy can come from a lack of self-esteem and confidence. Developing confidence is different from shyness, but they can be connected. If you want to learn how to build your confidence & self-esteem, you can read this article.

Be around more people

It sounds like it should be wrong, but simply by being around people, will help slowly build up your confidence as you get used to it. You’ll soon find that you trust yourself more to speak up in discussions and learn to relax when around other people.

Final Thought

Don’t let people know that you are shy. Just flow naturally and after practicing these points, you will be able to overcome your shyness. Being a shy person is not a bad thing, so don’t kill yourself because you are one. But then, try your best to learn how to overcome it, so you won’t miss opportunities because you are shy.

10 Best Love Ideas for Teens: Teenage Love


Today’s generation think that they know it all. Well, technology has certainly provided knowledge on their fingertips, but love is always tricky. Even adults sometimes fail and get themselves in trouble. It is always better to keep a few things in mind if you want to save yourself from a miserable situation. As a teenager, you’re on a quest to experiment things and want to make your own memorable moments. However, right when our physical self is going through some biological change, there are chances that the desire to cross the line may kick-in and you may end up making some unforgettable mistakes.

  To be safe, listed below are some pieces of teenage love advice that you must keep in mind as your experience love.

1. Don’t rush

Most teenagers or young adults make mistake by rushing into things. No matter how fascinating it may sound, just know that nothing positive comes out if you rush into things. It is always better to take things slow. Cherish each step as you experience love when you move ahead. It’s better to take time in understanding each other. Rushing into anything never let you enjoy the journey, which you will regret later.

2. Acting around your crush

It’s okay to have a crush on someone. However, you should behave properly when you’re with them. There could be two scenarios: one, your crush is a part of your circle; second, your crush isn’t a part of your circle. In the first scenario, you must know if your crush has a similar feeling towards you. Observe their body language when you’re around them.

 In the second scenario, start with friendship and see where it leads. Just because you’ve crush doesn’t mean they should also reciprocate the same way.

3. Keep social media aside

Social media platforms are technically an inevitable part of our life these days. Right from adults to teenagers, all of us rely on this way too much. For a teenager, the best love advice would be to be move beyond social media. Don’t rely on those Whatsapp’s blue ticks. They can ruin something good before it starts. It’s always better to meet the person, or talk with them over the phone.

Social media is tempting but don’t base your relationship on this.

4. Learn when to move on

Teenage years are amazing. A lot is going on around you. Suddenly you are not a kid anymore and you are moving towards being an adult.

Leaving behind childhood habits and trying to be mature can be too much at a time. In such a situation having a lover makes the journey worth traveling. However, if at all you think that your partner is not paying much attention to you or is distracted because of some reason, learn to move on.

Holding on to them when the response is not what you expect will hurt you later on. Moving on may sound difficult but you will get there eventually.

Also Check Out: 5 Best Things to Talk About on a First Date

5. Handle rejections

Rejections will happen, let us just accept it. There will be all sorts of rejections but don’t let them get into your head. You must learn to handle rejections. Speak to your parents to know how they handled their rejections when they were your age.

Some guidance and some support will help you pass that phase. Rejections are a part of our life, just accept it and move on.

6. Don’t feel the pressure

Watching your peers getting into a relationship whilst you’re still single can generate mental pressure. Often times, teenagers surrender to this pressure and get themselves into trouble. The important teenage love advice is to never feel the pressure of any sort. Love can’t be forced. It comes naturally. By forcing yourself into a relationship you are going to damage the amazing experience.

7. Learn to trust your lover

Often, at teenage, you’re influenced by the people around you. Movies and stories of breakups and dishonesty make you question your partner. Don’t fall for these things. To have a successful love experience it’s important that you trust your partner.

  Learn to trust them. Don’t stalk them or check their phones when they’re not around. This habit will only push them away and you will end up heartbroken.

8. Don’t compare

There is constant competition in school to look the coolest or the happening couple. Don’t participate in such things at all. Every individual is different and so is every relationship. Be in love with the person for the way they are. Setting up high expectations or forcing them to be something they’re not, is another way to sabotage your relationship. Cherish what you have.

9. Ask grandparents

Teenage is such an age when you don’t want to involve adults in your life, especially when you need advice. You reach out to your friends but not your parents or grandparents for that matter.

Grandparents could be the best option if you need any teenage love advice. They’ve seen the world and have gone through multiple ups and downs. They will be able to guide you properly. So, if you need any advice, reach out to them. Trust them and share your feelings with them.

10. Take out time for each other

It is understood that you’re juggling between a lot of things; classes, sports, extra-curricular activities and maybe a part-time job. Amid all of these, take out time for your love. Spend time together whenever possible. Not giving enough attention to your lover means pushing them away from you. Don’t send out wrong signals. Manage your time accordingly and try to understand each other well if you want take the relationship ahead.

Final Thought

In all of these, don’t forget to be you and do you. When you are yourself, a lot will be very easy to do. Experience love, for love is a very beautiful thing.

5 Best Reasons Why Learning Chinese is Important


There are plenty reasons why learning Chinese is Important but we will be discussing just the five best reasons. So, if you want to know the importance of learning Chinese, how you can benefit from it, you are in the right post.

The importance and benefits of Chinese as a language stands out all over the world. It’s considered one of the most spoken language in the world with over an estimated billion people in China and various other parts of the world speaking it. One can easily assume a particular point that makes Chinese one of the most important languages on the planet. China as a country is growing by leaps and bounds as a world power and shows no sign of slowing down. This is a very important contributing factors.

    Recent studies and survey carried out has shown that Chinese has become a popular choice for a second language among college students. Surpassing the previous favourite that includes Spanish, French, and German languages. This increasing popularity isn’t surprising since the growing appeal of Chinese culture in the west and worldwide.

You may probably be among those who are still contemplating if Chinese is a good language to learn, here are the importance of learning Chinese language.

1. Its now easy to learn with pinyin

You don’t have to learn Chinese characters to learn how to speak Mandarin Chinese. Pinyin is a method of writing Chinese in the Romanized alphabet. Hanyu pinyin spells the sound and includes tone marks to help give you the proper pronunciation.

Learning pinyin as a non native speaker will give you the right motivation needed as the characters aren’t so much needed to master this first part.

2. China is the fastest growing economy

China is currently the fastest growing economy in the world and is already the biggest global market to break into. Any business in the twenty-first century will be trying to do business in China and in doing so will require Chinese speakers to negotiate agreements and trade deals.

Learning Chinese language at this time is a very wise thing to do for anyone thinking of picking up another language. There are lots of job opportunities for those who could speak the language as there are always need for them.

3. Learning Chinese culture

Chinese culture is one of the most fascinating and interesting culture we have in the world. Full of so many interesting things that everyone will love to learn and the first step will typically be you learning the language. Learning Chinese is immediately linked to learning Chinese culture. Learning becomes a more extraordinary and enjoyable experience. Chinese has a unique ideographic writing system, which provides visual comprehensibility.

The grammatical structure of Chinese is not only logical but also pragmatic, related to the particular way of Chinese thinking. Knowledge of the written language opens up the culture of one of the world’s oldest civilizations.

4. There are Scholarship Opportunities for Chinese Studies

Scholarship Opportunities with a New Language. Because of the higher demand for people speaking Chinese, many of the world’s governments and agencies have been offering scholarships and other opportunities for individuals who are interested in Chinese studies and learning Chinese.

Mandarin Chinese is truly an amazing language to learn. I hope you find this article helpful in narrowing and strengthening your reasons to learn Chinese.

5. Mandarin Chinese is the Most Spoken Language in the World

One of the biggest reasons to learn Chinese should be because Mandarin Chinese is spoken by roughly a quarter of the world’s population which is estimated to be around two billion Chinese-speakers. Not all of them live in mainland China, but in parts of Taiwan, Singapore, and throughout Southeast Asia. This shows how interesting the language can be and how easy it can be picked. .


 Learning a new language is generally not an easy task to do but there are sure ways to get through them, you can read up our previous post about making plans for effective language learning. It will help you get through your journey.

Skills That Can Give You Up to $100 Per Day


Making $100 per day from a skill you know well, isn’t too high to target, at least we have some who make more than that however, and they don’t make such money by working for people or by just hoping they are.

Value is always exchanged for money and will forever be exchanged for money. If you have value, you will have money but if you don’t have value, there’s no way you can get money.

The following skills are skills that can earn you at least $100 per day if you could master and market them so well. It’s always that we all should know how to market our value because with the right marketing strategy alone can we have the result we crave for.

1. Copywriting

You may lack the confidence to work as a sales representative or you probably think it’s not lucrative enough, but you’ve got the communication skills to come up with perfect sales-driven language that can help brands.

Copywriting is a difficult art to master, but if you have the talent to weave words together, you may turn it into lucrative expertise. If you want to get into this field, make sure you find a mentor; there are a lot of organizations out there that will take advantage of you and pay you far less than you’re worth when top copywriters can easily make six figures in a day.

2. Web designing

Although you’ll probably want to invest in some kind of training course to master fundamental web design fundamentals like graphics, UX, HTML, CSS, and different design applications.

Also, the cost of this training will be insignificant compared to the cost of a college degree. However, you can likely find free courses through outlets like YouTube, just make sure they’re produced by a credible source.

Web design is an incredibly flexible career path, and the income potential is virtually uncapped; as your skills grow and you build a client base, you can gradually raise your rate. You can market yourself on freelancing platforms like fiveer and upwork.

3. Blogging

Blogging is one of the most lucrative businesses you can venture into that can earn you $100 per day. Some bloggers get more than $100 per day.

You’re currently reading a blog, in case you weren’t aware. This blog is also used to create a consistent income. So, if you can blog, now is the time to turn your skill into a source of income and supplement your income.

Blogging is one of the best skills to master if you want to supplement your income while working full-time.

Also Check Out: Top 5 Leadership skills That Can Make You Excel In 2022

4. Editing and proofreading

Editing and proofreading is also one of the most profitable skills to learn that is high in demand, the rate at which people are looking for individuals that can help them proofread their write up is very high.

However, if you have such high demanding skills you can make a lot of money. You can help bloggers/companies to proofread their blog posts, articles, scripts, ebooks, stories, and projects documents etc. Proofreading or editing will help you to improve the qualities of the contents and make it look more relevant and exceptional from others.

In fact, if you are good in the English language or any major Languages you can earn a lot editing people’s work using applications likes Grammarly, MS word to correct the typographies, spellings, grammar and punctuation.

5. Content writing

Well-written content is an essential component of any successful digital marketing plan. Unlike copywriting, which is usually aimed at increasing sales, content writing can be used for a variety of purposes, such as education or entertainment.

However, if you’re a naturally gifted writer who understands how to connect with audiences through words, then this could be a great path for you. Certain large companies will pay top-dollar for, especially skilled content writers.


You need to be skilled in the aforementioned for you to start earning from them. To start learning any of them, YouTube, Google and other online learning platforms will be of great help to you.

5 Best Things to Talk About on a First Date

first date

First dates isn’t a joke because it will really determine if the relationship will continue or not. Some people won’t go past the stage of first date while some would really have loved what they are going into right from the start. First date isn’t just for merriment and eating alone because that’s many peoples orientation about it.

If many are asked what they will do in their first date, you will be amazed at their responses because it’s full of irrelevant things when there are so many things that should be discussed. First dates are for knowing who your spouse is, their lives and this will give you the insight of what you’re going into. It’s most times used for asking questions like what, where, how because that’s the right time to ask the questions.

This is one of the most important questions you should ask in a first date. A little trip down memory lane for them and some good insight for you! Usually, you can’t go wrong with asking about their childhood. For example, do they have any siblings? What state or city did they grow up in? What are some of their favorite childhood memories? What about schools?

Below are some basic important things and questions to talk about on the first date:

1.  Where did you grow up

Getting them to open up about their past can give you a better insight into their personality and whether you have anything in common. Maybe you both enjoyed the same TV shows or music growing up, or maybe your families vacationed in the same spots. Talking about your childhoods is a fun way to boost your connection and get you comfortable with each other.

That said, keep in mind that someone might have a troubled or traumatizing past. If that’s the case, they’ll likely say they’d rather not discuss it, to which you should show compassion and quickly change the subject. Doing so shows respect and boosts initial trust.

2. What’s your hobby

This is another great way to find out if you have any common interests. It also gives you more insight into their personality and what they’re passionate about. Are they the outgoing type that loves the social scene? Are they more introverted and prefer staying in? Are they a movie buff or avid golfer? Are you fans of the same football team?

When you figure out how they spend most of their time, it will give you a better idea of how much free time they have and how often you might be able to see them. Learning what they like to do for fun can also spark future date ideas!

3. How’s your work going?

This is usually a pretty safe topic! Ask about their work background, skills, and what they enjoy most about their job. What are their ambitions? Any career goals? Opening up about your professional lives can reveal a lot about work ethic, long-term goals, and priorities.

If they are very career-driven, it’s something to think about, since they may not have a ton of free time. (Every situation is different, of course.) You can also gauge if they plan on staying in the area or if they’re willing to move wherever a job takes them.


4. What’s your turn offs?

Knowing someone turn off will really keep you out of so many troubles as some people don’t give second chance. Once you cross their line, then that’s the end of the journey. Knowing their common do’s and don’t isn’t a bad question to ask on a first date. For example, a guy whose turn off is for you not to touch or share his food with him, if you don’t know about this and go and touch his food, do you think he will go on another date with you?

5. Tell me about your friends

What type of people does your new interest hang around with? Who knows, maybe you have friends in common! You can tell a lot about someone by looking at their friends. After all, we’ve all heard the expression “you are the company you keep.

Your social circle tends to reflect your own personality and can influence you without even knowing it. Usually, people befriend others that share similar interests, values, and opinions. Ask about their closest friends and what they like to do together. You should also pay attention to how they describe their friends — trash talking is definitely a red flag. You’ll learn more about the type of people they associate with and what kind of friend they are to other people.


There are so many important things to talk about rather than ordering some expensive foods and drinks all around. Let’s take note of these points.