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How To Cope With Intimidation


Do you want to know how to cope with intimidation? This post is definitely for you.

Being intimidated is one of the awful and bad feelings we face this age as a youth. As bad as it is, we most times don’t know when it started because it’s a natural mechanism built around our ego and for some people, it’s their protection mechanism. Feeling intimidated means having a feeling that someone success or achievement is a threat to us or we having the thought that they don’t deserve it while we do.

This is quite a bad thought to have because everyone deserve something good and the fact that you haven’t received yours doesn’t mean others don’t deserve Thiers. For example, a friend of yours may get a car and instead of you to be happy for the person, you’re feeling some resentment about it, thinking of yourself rather than focusing on the person’s success right now.

Some even go as far as showing it obviously that they aren’t happy about the success of the other person. This also is called beefing or envy. We shouldn’t be intimidated by anyone’s success because everyone will have theirs when it’s the right time.

The following are practical ways to handle intimidation:

Instead of been intimidated, be motivated

In my own word, motivation is the positive side of intimidation. Instead of thinking those people’s success is a threat to you, why don’t you be motivated by success and try to do more so you can attain that same position one day. This is quite a working tips though it sound like you’re trying to walk at people’s pace however, some of us aren’t trying to walk in our own pace in life.

The real fact is we are slow but since the world doesn’t have a way of measuring people’s pace that will lead to success, we tend to be comfortable in it until someone challenge us. Be pushed to do more through their success.

Avoid the environment for some time

At the time when you’re feeling the intimidation, you should try avoiding the environment so you won’t have to show your envy to everyone. If you show this, you have been successful in creating an enemy for yourself instead of gaining more friends.

You can avoid having a one on one conversation with that your colleague that just bought a car so their words won’t be like they are mocking you. Help yourself.

Fight the negative thoughts

This seems to be the most important point of all these tips. It’s quite obvious that you feeling intimidated comes from your bad energy powered by your negative thoughts. Previous post have talked about how to deal with negative thoughts and this is one of the reason why you should. Most of all the bad things we engage in are powered by our negative thoughts and mentality. This is one way or the other is having a bad impression on us.

We should learn how to tame our thoughts and channel every of its products to good things. Try as much as possible to be happy for that your colleague deep inside your heart. Such happiness will attract your own happiness too.

Avoid the need to talk bad about the person

One of the things we human do is trying to talk bad about those that are doing well than us. We tend to see faults they aren’t seeing in their own lives because we are busy looking at their life while we left ours unattended to. Don’t you ever try talking bad about their achievement or trying to find a reason for their blessing?

I’ve heard someone saying he doesn’t work all year to save the money for the car, he stole the money from work because he’s the accountant. This is quite ridiculous. Imagine if someone say this about you too when you buy yours. What ever you sow, you will reap.


 Keep your mind in perfect and positive shape and you won’t have to worry about people’s success. Use the time you have to develop yourself not monitor other people’s lives.

8 Best Guide On How to Start Learning German Language as a Beginner


German language isn’t so hard like every other language. As a matter of fact, it’s considered the second easiest language to learn after English. If you’re thinking of a language to pick, you should consider German also and if you don’t know why you should pick German, check out our next post on the importance of learning German. It will give you a clue of how awesome learning German can be.

The following are basic tips and ways you can follow to learn your German language even without paying anyone.

1. Hear and Repeat German Letter Sounds

This is the first step we take even when learning English and this can be applied to German language too. Start with learning the German alphabet. Listen to how each letter sounds on its own compared to letter combinations. Listen for differences between English and German letter sounds, too. Just like in English, two letters together can sound quite different from either of the two letters by themselves.

Pay particular attention to the letters with an umlaut (two little dots above the letter), as this changes the way a letter is pronounced, and therefore changes the way words can sound. You can start by using short videos on YouTube.

2. Master common words

After you’ve mastered the alphabet and letter sounds, it’s time to learn some “framework words.” These are easy, common words that will form the foundation of your vocabulary building. Think about the words you can’t do without in English, and look up their German equivalents. Fantastic starters are:

German greetings


Please/thank you

Excuse me/sorry

3. Expand Your Vocabulary with Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives

Once you’ve picked up some basics, it’s time to expand your vocabulary with nouns, verbs and adjectives. Try to set yourself a daily goal—for example, learn three new nouns, verbs and adjectives (for nine words total) every day.

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4. Start Putting Sentences Together

Okay, you’ve got some essential German words under your belt. Now it’s time to start using them. This is all about learning German sentence structure and word order. You can find a straightforward but thorough explanation of German word order at Dartmouth College’s German Department website. Then, you can practice using those rules for yourself with these free online exercises—just click a series of words in the correct order to build German sentences.

Luckily, people will probably know what you’re trying to communicate even if you get the word order wrong, but you should do your best to try and correctly order your sentences.

5. Memorize Reusable German Phrases

This is one of those “language hacks” that can get you on the road to real German communication faster. Now that you’ve learned German word order, you can start hanging out with some basic German phrases. Just like with single words, begin practicing simple phrases that you might say on an average day.

For example, “I would like a soy milk cappuccino please.”

Choose whatever would be most useful for you in daily life in Germany! (This won’t just help you learn how to speak German—it’s also very motivating to imagine a future life traveling or living in Germany.)

6. Watch Movies and Videos in German

Once you can understand some very basic German, you could be creative with your learning style and watch a movie you’ve previously seen—but watch it dubbed in German. You could even use English subtitles to make it easier. You’ll feel like you’re really getting a hang of things when you see “Titanic” in German with some English subtitles and you recognize half the words.

As your level improves, or to give it a boost now, try watching some German films with German subtitles. Reading the actual words you’re hearing (in German) as they’re spoken will be so helpful to your language pursuits. If you’d rather get some quick language immersion, you can watch German videos on YouTube. This has the benefit of letting you find content about almost any topic, so you can watch something that engages you and motivates you to learn.

Web videos can even be incorporated into full German lessons, especially if they have accurate German subtitles. In this way, you can learn and absorb German through multiple contexts: visual, audio and textual. Plus, since they’re typically short in length, these videos can help you prepare for longer media like movies.

When you watch videos and movies in German, it helps your mind make stronger connections between the words you’re learning and the contexts they appear in. It’s a great way to start thinking in the language, which is vital for becoming fluent!

7. Read the News in German

After getting exposed to some German movies, make sure you’re paying attention to those reading comprehension skills, too.

Reading German newspaper columns is a tried-and-true method to do this. Highlight any words that don’t make sense and then look them up later in a German dictionary.

8. Connect with Other German Learners or Speakers

Finally, we know this is a guide on how to learn German by yourself, but it’s super helpful to connect with native German speakers, or even fellow German learners!

Stick with these guides and see yourself exceling in German language.

How To Have a Man of Your Dream Without Saying a Word

man of your dream

If you want the man of your dream to fall for you without saying a word, like a single word, then this post is definitely written for you.

We are in the world where only men have the right to walk up to a lady and ask them out while ladies are left to stay silent until the guy loves them naturally. This isn’t so cool but to some extent is good because we have heard of instances whereby the man doesn’t value the lady because the lady was the one who approached the man.

However in the course of my research, I was able to understand that there are ways a lady can communicate her feelings without having to say anything with her mouth to avoid embarrassment.

Let’s dive right into it without wasting time:

Know if he is engaged to anyone

It’s always better to confirm if the person you are falling for is falling for you or will fall for you. Imagine yourself loving someone who is engaged to another lady, then you should know you’re toying with your own emotion because it may never work out unless he breaks his engagement with his present spouse which shouldn’t be a thing of joy for you, because you can’t really tell the reason for the break up.

Have Good Morals

Good morals are a necessity in convincing a man to love you. Nobody wants to get involved with someone who can’t be trusted. Men like women who are disciplined and are not pushovers. Behave maturely towards him and be respectful of him, just as you expect him to be respectful towards you. Furthermore, have respect for yourself and your values; know who you are and what you stand for.

Don’t push I love you into his mouth, let it come from his heart

Patience will definitely pay off. Be patient and go slow when trying to make a man fall in love with you. Don’t expect him to fall in love or say yes to your advances instantly.

Many men will definitely need time to decide whether he is ready to enter into a relationship with you or not. If he likes you, he will make it obvious. But don’t ever push him to make a quick decision on whether he likes you or not.

  Be Aware of Your Appearance

Don’t let your appearance let you down. Your appearance can make you win or lose when it comes to dating. To please a man and make him get interested in you, you should be presentable. Be aware of what you are wearing, whether or not your hair is clean, and if you are dressed appropriately.

Of course, you want to look sexy for the man you want to fall in love with you, but sex appeal doesn’t necessarily mean body-hugging clothing and lots of cleavage. Jeans and a t-shirt with wind-blown hair can be just as sexy as a manicured look in a formal outfit, in the right circumstances. The key is feel confident, comfortable, and good about yourself.


Be Yourself

Be yourself when trying to make a man fall in love with you. It is important to be yourself and not someone else when it comes to personality and character. If you are pretending to be different from your true self when trying to make a guy like you, you are not doing yourself any favors.

By trying not to be yourself, you are clearly indicating or suggesting that you are not comfortable with yourself. Many guys will easily notice this shortcoming in you and quickly become disinterested.

You might be able to keep the façade up for a few weeks, months, or even years. But sooner or later, you’ll grow tired of hiding your true personality, and he’ll get tired of trying to figure out who you really are, what you really like, and when you are actually being sincere.

Listen more, Talk less

When you want to please and make a man fall for you, it is important that you listen. Don’t just talk. If you chatter incessantly when you are nervous, find some other way to cope with your nerves.

Many girls make the mistake of talking more than they listen when they are around a potential male partner. Girls aren’t the only ones, of course. Many men do the same thing. But this is a big mistake that can easily cost you getting the man of your dreams.

Even a man who is generally not talkative will definitely have something to say. Everyone likes to be ‘heard.’ If you keep talking and talking all the time without giving him the chance to express himself, he’s likely to be disappointed. Making it hard for him to get a word in could lower your chances of him falling in love with you.

Final Thought

Everyone is not the same, what works for others might not work for you. But, be sure to try out all the aforementioned before coming to a conclusion.

9 Best Things To Do At The Start Of a Relationship


If you are just starting a new relationship, you need to read this to know the necessary things to do at the start of a relationship, so you don’t flop.

The beginning of any new relationship is usually a lot of fun. Think about it: Someone you like and enjoy, feels the same way about you. What could feel better than that, right? But even if both parties are on the same page feelings-wise, it’s still important to maintain decorum because, no matter how into each other you are, there are still some right and wrong ways to begin any new relationship that can ruin the whole thing.

Of course, it’s totally natural to feel intense passion and attraction for the person you’re seeing, but being so enraptured may cause you to ignore potential red flags, such as the misalignment of your core beliefs and values.

The following points are things you should take note at the beginning of your relationship:

1. Add Variety to Your Dates

Mixing things up early on is a great idea. Instead of the usual Netflix-and-chill scenario, you can suggest taking morning walks together, scheduling lunch dates, and enjoying the company of friends and colleagues. “It can be an eye opener to see your partner in the midst of different situations and relationships. Plus, one potential road to a breakup is monotony, so try to avoid getting stuck in a rut too early on by keeping each date different than the last. Keep in mind: You don’t have to spend a ton of money to have a great date with your new partner.

2. Don’t be too forward

Every date can feel like a first date in a new relationship because there’s so much ground to cover: where you went to school, what your hometowns are like, and how many pets you had growing up, among about a million other topics to address. Our advice? Save these sweet stories for in-person dates. If they initiated plans the first time, you can initiate the second time and so on, but don’t always be the person texting first, calling, and initiating plans.”

If they get used to you being the one doing all of the planning and reaching out, they’ll stop making an effort because they know you will.

3. Do Maintain Independence

Spending every waking moment with a new partner can put you at risk of losing yourself and your friends, too. “In the most long-lasting relationships, partners maintain their sense of independence. “See family and friends, continue to exercise and work hard, and prioritize alone-time; balance is important.” If you make your whole life about your new partner, you end up putting a lot of pressure on the relationship to be your sole source of happiness and fulfillment.

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4. Don’t Skip the Sexual Health Conversation

“If you aren’t comfortable asking them about STDs and STIs or telling them about your own sexual health, it’s not yet the time to have sex. Wait until you’re both comfortable having an honest conversation about health before becoming intimate. That way, you’ll be able to enjoy it more and have a bit more confidence in the relationship.

You also shouldn’t feel shame talking about sex outside of health. Tell your partner what you like, what you don’t like, and what you’d want to try.

5. Do Watch Out for Red Flags

Ignoring red flags only prolongs the inevitable demise of the relationship. If, say, your new love criticizes you, makes plans, and repeatedly cancels, you catch them in a lie, or you see them treating others poorly, “they’re probably not worth investing in for the long-term. Trust us, it’s easy to throw on a pair of rose-colored glasses when you really like someone because you want to see the best in them, but it’s important to see all of someone, not just the good things.

6. Be open minded

Try to remain open to trying new foods and participating in new activities… “The start of a new relationship ought to be light and fun, and things can become more serious with time.” With that in mind, maybe keep the conversations about highly controversial topics to a minimum in the beginning.

7. Respect Yourself

Treating yourself well sets an example of how your partner should treat you, and it signifies what you will and will not tolerate. “There’s nothing wrong with being principled, knowing yourself, and being yourself. Do things for yourself, too.” If they call you with an impromptu date invitation, but you need a self-care night to put on a face mask and snuggle with your furry friend, suggest a different day for date night.

8. Don’t Have Sex Too Soon

We live in a time of sex-positivity, meaning we don’t believe that you should wait until a certain amount of time goes by before having sex with your new partner for the first time. “The amount of time to wait before having sex differs for every couple; there is no such thing as too soon or too long. The right time is when both people are 100% ready. The worst thing you can do in a new relationship is to have sex before you feel ready because you’re worried they’ll lose interest in you if you wait.

9. Communicate Often and Well

“Say what you mean and mean what you say, be direct and considerate, choose battles wisely, treat your partner well, and avoid destructive things like yelling, insulting, and judging. You may notice that you feel like you can read your childhood friends’ minds because you know them so well, but that kind of closeness comes with time and, unfortunately, years together is the one thing you and your new partner don’t have. You can’t expect them to be able to guess what you’re thinking, so be as communicative as you possibly can.

6 Best Tips to Help You Live Within Your Means

within your means

In a situation whereby your salary is too small or you have a big responsibility, living small within your means should be so important to you.

One of the things we must avoid if we really want to live long and have a good life is avoid debt and this can only be done by living right within our income. If at all we will be borrowing, we should know it’s because of something so important or impromptu stuffs.

The following are practical ways we can live within our income to avoid debt:

1. Avoid competition

If you really want to have peace in this world, you must avoid competition at all cost. So many people have wasted their lives and days trying to meet up with the lifestyle of someone else without knowing how that other person is living his life.

Yes, you may really wish to live a glamorous life but the question Is, can your pulse fund that life?

Your friends or neighbors might drive nicer cars, have the newest technology, or take expensive vacations, but that doesn’t mean you have to do the same.

Think of it this way: Your neighbor might have taken a loan out for the Mercedes, put the new flat-screen on his credit card, or taken out a personal loan to pay for a vacation.

Sometimes living within your means might not be as glamorous, but you will be much better off for it long term.

2. Separate wants and needs

 Knowing what we want and need will save a lot of us from debt and poverty. Want is that urgent thing you really need while need isn’t that urgent which means you can get it some other time. When it comes to shopping, knowing the difference between a want and a need will help keep you out of debt.

Before you make a purchase, ask yourself if you really need it. If you don’t, wait before you buy it. Try using the 48-hour rule. If you see something you want to buy but don’t think you absolutely need it, wait 48 hours before buying it. You might find that, more often than not, you change your mind.

3. Have a scale of preference

Scale of preference is how we list our needs on the level of their urgency. Yes, we may need so many things and our income can’t get them at once that is why we need scale of preference. We can list out all we need and check out the level of their importance before buying them. This is a way to guarantee peace.

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4. Keep an emergency fund

Life is unpredictable. Your car might break down, you could get sick, your bike could get stolen, and you might find yourself flying across the country to visit family. Don’t fall into debt because you haven’t built up an emergency fund. A good general principle to follow is keeping three to six months’ worth of expenses saved up. That way, when something goes wrong, you won’t have to reach for your credit card or take out a loan to pay for it.

5. Save money wherever possible

Saving money will help you stop overextending yourself financially.

Try these tips to get started:

  • Never walk into the grocery store unprepared: Before you shop, be sure to pay attention to which items are on sale, or which items you can buy in bulk to save (but won’t go bad). Also, be sure to use a shopping list — it’s all too easy to accidentally buy frivolous stuff. Stick to your list and save.  
  • Track your hobby spending: Decide exactly how much a month you want to spend on your hobbies, like concerts or skiing, and stick to that budget.
  • Bring lunch to work: If there are good restaurants near work, you’ll be tempted to buy lunch every day. Skip the pricey meals and try bringing lunch from home. It’ll add up. 
  • Buy secondhand: You can find incredible deals at garage sales or thrift shops.
  • Open a high-yield savings account: There are plenty of banks that offer around 2% APY on savings accounts. Check these out and make sure you’re making regular contributions once you open one.

6. Cut down on expenses

If you’re still struggling to live within your means, take a hard look at your expenses. There is probably something you can cut out or at least cut down on. For example:

  • Gym memberships.
  • Hair and nail salons.
  • Cable TV.
  • Cell phone bills.
  • Shopping trips.

Go through your bills and cancel any service you don’t use frequently. For the stuff you do use, call the provider and see if you can get a better deal, or at least cut it down. Maybe you only need 10 gigs of data a month rather than unlimited.