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5 Best Ways To Be Happy In a Job You Hate


If most of us are asked if we are happy with the type of job we are doing right now, I’m sure 70% will say no. We are in the world where most of us do the jobs we do just to survive not because we really love it. That’s why you will see so many people not motivated because they are only motivated by the salary or the money they earn and this reason isn’t enough to keep us motivated. The place of passion and zeal can’t be sidelined when it comes to jobs or occupation. We should try our best to work in line with our passion because that will guarantee happiness at all time.

However, if you find yourself in the position of those who work just to survive, we have to find a way to be happy and that’s why this post is written.

We will be considering things we can do to be happy in a job you hate.

1. Know the reason why you are doing the job

It’s good to remind ourselves the reasons why we are doing that particular job we don’t know when we can actually go out there to do what we want. The reason why some of us are working is because we want to gather some money to start our own business. Some is to travel out of their present country to another dream land. These reasons are so important to us and if we can be reminding ourselves the reasons everyday, we will surely find the job interesting since it’s just for a short period of time.

Again, oftentimes the job you hate is necessary in some ways for your desired path. Maybe you need this entry-level position to open doors for the career you want, or it’s teaching you a certain skill set that will propel you toward your goals. Constantly remembering how this fits into your long-term goals will keep your eyes set on the future and will make going to work each day have a clear purpose.

2. Make friends in your place of work

Most people love going to their place of work not because they love the job but because they don’t want to miss their friends just for a single day.

This is another way to cope with the hatred you have for your job.

3. Fulfil your passion outside work

It’s good to always find a way to fulfil our passion after working. For someone who would love to own a gym or want to be a gym instructor, he or she may be working to get the necessary capital needed to set up his own working place but they can also go to the gym in the evening after their working hours since that’s what they love doing. The anticipation of their passion that they want to fulfil in the evening will fuel their concentration and seriousness at work.

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4. Take time off

For someone who hates his or her job, it’s advisable the person take time off often. Taking time off often doesn’t mean giving unnecessary excuses or taking sick leave while you’re not. This actually means not accepting any extra work even if they promise an additional pay. You should stick to just your normal working time.

5. Identify the positives

Odds are, there was at least one good reason you took this job in the first place. Take the time to remember why you’re here. Is this job giving you the extra income you need to pave the way for your dream future? Do you really believe in the mission at the heart of the company? Whatever the plus sides of this job may be, pointing them out, even writing them down so you can physically look at them is a good way to help you cope with the aspects of the job you dislike.


Careers rarely start out where we want them to end up. No matter your five or ten year plan, the path toward the future you want will probably involve doing something in a job you hate. Whether it’s your side gig, a day job that funds your true passion or an entry-level job in your industry that isn’t what you want to do but will help you get there, you will have a job you dislike at some point in your career.     

     However, don’t get carried away by the comfort you later got from the job maybe when you’re paid or you develop a friendship with someone to the extent that you will forget the main reason why you’re at that place.

10 Best Tech Skill To Acquire in 2022


I’m guessing you are interested in tech skill. Well! this post is for you. It’s so obvious that technology is one of the fast growing sectors we have. Experts are working almost every time to make sure we have something new to explore every single day. This is quite an achievement but we can actually be part of the makers’ team.

All we need to be part of the makers team is just the relevant skill that can make us money and also a name if need be. The main reason for compiling this post is to update us on the 10 best tech skills to acquire in 2022.

Having these skills at first may not be so easy because most of them require time and a high level of determination but I can promise you that if you could persevere and learn them, you will surely be rewarded because if you even decide to work for companies, different big companies would love to hire you.

1. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing will surely be the first on my list because it’s the most common one we might have heard before.

Digital marketing refers to the use of digital technologies such as computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and other digital platforms to advertise. It is the act of delivering information and promoting products, services, and brands through digital media channels such as search engines, websites, email, social media, and apps

Almost all companies want to have their business recognize online and that’s why this skill is so important and lucrative enough to learn. You can get materials from Udemy if you will love to learn this skill.

2. Block chain

Block chain is also a very important skill you should add to the ones you have because it’s so lucrative especially in this time where we operate in crypto currency. More companies are looking for block chain and smart contract developers to help them build decentralized applications.

3. UI/UX Design

User interface design is referred to as UI, and user experience design is referred to as UX. These design roles collaborate closely to develop an efficient and appealing user or target customer experience. These specialized abilities can help you advance your career as a UI or UX designer, design lead, or creative director.

Also Check Out: Skills That Can Give You Up to $100 Per Day

4. Software development

With the increased use of mobile phones, apps, and technology in general, the demand for software development is on the rise. According to Stack Overflow research, 75% of developers learn a new technology every year, implying that they are constantly honing their skills and expanding their knowledge.

5. Cyber-security

Cyber-Security is a process of safeguarding computer systems and networks against cyber attacks or digital interference with the goal of gaining unauthorized access to, changing or destroying sensitive or confidential data, or interfering with normal operations.

Systems engineers, network engineers or architects, software developers or engineers, and cybersecurity analysts are among the professions that have a strong emphasis on cybersecurity.

6.Video editing

Long gone are the days when videos were the prerogative of TV and media production. In 2021, 86% of businesses used video marketing to spread the word about their products and services. Today videos pave their way in all industries for numerous purposes: marketing, employee training, client onboarding and presentation, and more.

A surge of videos in practically all business aspects creates the need for talents skilled with specific video editing software, writing scripts and video scenarios, and even SEO optimization for better ranking.

7. Data engineering

Basically, data engineering is a mix of several IT professionals like software engineers, Big Data developers, data analysts, and cloud computing engineers. Working at a company that generates a massive amount of data from different sources, basic operations of Data Engineering include:

  • Collecting and organizing the data.
  • Combining different data formats collected from several sources and analyzing them.
  • Optimizing data storage.
  • Reducing the costs of data storage to optimize the company’s budget.

8. CRMs

Customer management software (CRM) is a cornerstone of an efficient sales process. As customers are becoming more demanding, businesses need a 360-degree view of their target audience, touch points, purchasing behavior, and their customer experience.

That’s why fundamental CRM software skills are becoming more popular across job descriptions in managerial and marketing roles. For example, the CRM Software Research by G2 reveals that 73% of sales managers are using CRM tools. Adoption of CRM tools among marketing teams comprises 46% and 45% among customer service teams.

9. App development

App development is the process of making apps with the knowledge known as coding. It’s quite important we understand coding before we even think of app development. However, this is one of the most relevant tech skills you can acquire this year.

10. Virtual reality

The virtual world is already a reality today and companies like Facebook have invested billions of dollars into the metaverse after announcing the new companies name “META”. AR, VR and MR are also some of the fastest-growing technologies that offer a wide scope of opportunities for aspirants and existing professionals. On a global scale, the AR, VR and MR market has been projected to cross $161 billion by 2025.

The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of new-age technology like AR, VR and MR. and almost every sector, from entertainment like gaming to healthcare, manufacturing and education are using these technologies in innovative ways, making VR/AR developers one of the most sought-after professionals in the tech-powered business terrain.

Forever: 6 Secrets On How To Make Love Last Forever


Forever is the word everyone wants to hear when they are in a relationship. It’s everyone’s dreams and prayer that their relationship should last forever but many relationship doesn’t even last a year. Checking out the reasons for this, I’m able to understand that some of us don’t really know how to make love work. Forgiveness is one of the most important factor in love because you’re dealing with a human being that isn’t perfect.

The following are the secrets on how you can make your love last forever:

1. Don’t take love for granted

Taking love for granted is one of the reasons why most of the relationships fail to last. When you put some effort into your work, it pays off. That is exactly what would happen when you focus on your love life and your partner. After taking care of yourself, your partner should be a priority. Like a flower or a plant, love needs to be nurtured in order to stay vibrant and alive.

2. Spend time with your partner

For some, time is money; but putting time into your relationships is a deal worth the investment. Spending time does not mean doing anything extra, just being there or listening to how their day went is enough to make your partner know how much they mean to you.

Sometimes you might have to say no to friends’ plans or staying late at work but remember, your love is a priority and you have to invest some time in it.

3. Make your loved one smile

Making your partner smile would be an easy task if you know what makes them happy. It might be as simple as washing the dishes, coming back home with a flower, sending a morning text or cooking a nice dinner for them. If you have not figured out yet what makes your partner smile, let this be your next mission. Trust us, a smile could do wonders!

Also Check Out: Love Definition (part 1)

4. Random gifts or surprises are true magic

Knowing your partner’s taste is key to a happy relationship. Anniversary gifts, Valentine’s Day gifts, and occasion gifts, in general, are expected even though it makes your partner happy. If you are looking to walk the extra mile and please them even more, then opt for the unexpected random gifts. It does not have to be fancy gifts but leaving a love letter, a thank you note for the tasty food they cooked, a flower for no reason, their favorite chocolate bar or something they have always wanted would make them feel over the moon! It will genuinely make your partner know how much you love them and that they were on your mind all day.

5. Be yourself

Your partner had fallen in love with you for who you are. Don’t try to be someone else or mirror your partner. Make time for yourself, spend some time alone, chase your own dreams and make yourself happy. If you expect your partner to be the source of your own happiness, you will end up disappointed.

6. Don’t let fights ruin your love

Fights happen, all the time and for too many reasons no matter how hard you try to avoid them. Fighting or getting mad at each other does not mean you stopped loving each other or it is time for the relationship to end. It takes a wise couple to understand that a fight is not the end of the world and keeping love is the most important thing after all. Let go of the things that frustrate you and remind your partner of all the good things that you share.

Those were 6 secrets on how to make your love last forever. It has worked for so many people. It will work for you too.

7 Best Reasons Why It Is Important To Learn German Language


German language is one of the most interesting language we have. It’s also one of the most important and we know language around the world has so many people who aren’t Germans are speaking the language. This is due to some important reason such as the great achievement of Germany that can’t be sidelined in science, art and financial institution.

I’ll greatly advice that if you are still contemplating on the language to learn, you can opt in for German language and the following are some good reasons why you should do that.

1. German is easy to acquire

Let’s start off by debunking the myth that German is especially hard. Despite all the jokes that are being made about it being an impossible language, if you are an English speaker, you are actually already quite advantaged.

Unlike Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, or Arabic, there is no new alphabet to learn, only a few letters to add. If you already know Latin script, the only new arrivals will be the umlauts ä, ö and ü as well as ß which is just a fancy German.

And that’s not all. There are more shortcuts for learning German fast. It’s really not the time sink that so many people make it out to be. You just have to learn how to study smart rather than study hard. With the right resources, you can cut through the difficult parts of the language.

2. German is the language of inventors and innovators

It is said that Germany is the country of poets and thinkers — Das Land der Dichter und Denker. There is definitely no denying the second part. A large percentage of the world’s most impressive achievements were first conceived of in German.

Over one hundred Nobel Prizes have gone to brilliant Germans for accomplishments in physics, medicine, chemistry, literature and other areas. That is not even counting the prizes awarded to people from the other two major German-speaking countries Austria and Switzerland. Plus, many of the recipients from other nations received their training at German universities.

So if you are looking to add a Nobel Prize to your resume, learning German might not be a bad place to start. Perhaps you have slightly lower goals, and are just looking to absorb some of this genius by reading famous publications in their native language.

3. German is an important language in academia

With that big a number of award-winning scientists from its home country, it might not come as a surprise that German is very important in the academic community. In fact, it ranks second as the most commonly used scientific language.

One of the reasons for this is that the German book market is the third largest in the world, right after the Chinese and English publishing industries. Since the percentage of these books that are being translated into other languages is fairly limited, only a knowledge of German will give you access to them.

4. German is the gateway to a world-class higher education

One of the reasons why German has such a high standing in the science community is the fact that Germany’s universities have an excellent international reputation. In the year 2011 ,the country was the fourth most popular destination for students from abroad with more than a quarter million foreigners being enrolled in German schools.

What’s more, the German system for higher education boasts a number of universities with a very low or non-existent tuition fee. No wonder scholars and researchers are flocking there! Learning German to save on student debt sounds like a pretty good return of investment.

Also Check Out: 5 Best Reasons Why Learning Chinese is Important

5. Germany is an economic powerhouse

German is not only an interesting option for academics, but also those in the business world should consider brushing up on their Deutsch. Germany is the biggest economy within the European Union and the fourth largest worldwide. It is home to numerous international corporations and on the front line of new technologies.

While the schooling system in Germany is set up in a way that every German citizen knows at least some English, communicating with someone in their native tongue is a sign of good faith that is appreciated everywhere. Knowing the language of your German business partners can greatly improve your chances for effective communication and successful professional relationships.

6. German companies are global market leaders

Speaking of German companies: want to work for a business which is an international market leader in its field? Having German skills on your resume might be able to help you get in the door.

Germany is home to a large number of economic global players. Siemens, Volkswagen, Adidas and Lufthansa are globally recognized brands and corporations. The country also hosts some of the biggest international trade fairs including CeBIT, the world’s largest exhibition for information technology, as well as the IFA trade fair for consumer electronics.

Meanwhile the German capital Berlin is turning into a hub for innovative startups. Some go so far as to dub it “the Silicon Valley of Europe.” As a consequence, knowing German has the potential to greatly enhance your career opportunities.

7. German has a big online presence

You don’t even have to meet those 100 million people in the real world. You can do so from the convenience of your own home! German websites make up a huge part of the internet. In fact, in terms of domain endings that are clearly affiliated with a particular country, Germany’s .de is the most popular top-level domain out there. I know, I’m as surprised as you are.

Knowing German gives you access to an additional 15 million websites and that is not even counting the German sites ending in .net, .org and .info. Of course, in terms of absolute numbers .de takes second place to .com which is way ahead of everything else. Second place in the whole worldwide web? Not bad at all, Germany, not bad at all.

The 11 Best Ways To Create First Good Impression On a Date


It’s said that first impression really matters so much in a relationship. The way you saw each other in a well composed environment will really say a lot about how he or she will treat you if there will be a relationship at all. The earlier we understand that a guy taking you out on a date doesn’t automatically means you’re dating, the better. Some just want to know how you behave in big and classic places.

This post will be addressing the issue of how to compote ourselves on a date so we can create a lasting first impression.

1. Make sure to dress well

It’s good to understand this point. First date isn’t a date to show your best cloth or your make up competition. You have to dress to impress, but not so much to make your partner feel intimidated.  Of course! According to conventional wisdom, the very first impression is made within seven seconds, so your appearance is key. That doesn’t mean that you should wear a three-piece suit or a ball gown, but it is appropriate to dress slightly nicer than you would for an average date.

2. Pick an interesting restaurant and activity

You don’t need to go to one of the best restaurants, but you’ll want to pick a place with character and an interesting menu (but one that is still accessible for every palate). And think beyond the standard “dinner and a movie.” Consider taking your date to a cooking class, funky museum, or sporting event for an activity that will foster conversation and allow you to have active interactions.

3. Arrive on time (or even better… early)

Nothing is more of an immediate turnoff than tardiness. If your dinner reservation is at 7 p.m., be sure you’re at the restaurant at 7 p.m. Actually, get there a little early. Aim to be at your table at 6:50.

4. Remember your table manners

It’s easy to be rude without realizing it. And it’s really important that you remember your table etiquette. That means you should put your napkin on your lap, keep your elbows off the table, don’t talk with your utensils in hand, and pass the salt and pepper together.

5. Be confident and positive

Part of making an instantly great first impression is in your stature. Walk into the venue for your date with confidence, with a straight posture and a smile on your face. Don’t be cocky, but if you feel good about yourself, your personality, and your appearance, your date will definitely pick up on those vibes.

6. Have real discussion

If you want to stand out among all the other first dates all there, you have to get creative with your topics of conversation. One can only discuss the weather, siblings, and what’s on TV so much before it gets boring. Have a few interesting tidbits in your pocket to make for engaging, interesting discussions that truly allow you to get to know your date. We have explained some questions we can ask on our first date in our previous post, you can read that below.

Also Check Out: 5 Best Things to Talk About on a First Date

7. Don’t interrogate your date

You’re going to want to ask your date questions about themselves and listen to what they have to say. But, this is a friendly night out, not an interrogation. Remember to follow up on their questions and show interest in what they have to say. But don’t bombard them with questions and bullet points. No one likes that.

8. Make eye contact and use your date’s name

You want to really connect with your date, and there are two simple ways to do that: eye contact and name use. Making eye contact not only shows you’re attentive and engaged, but it also helps you to connect with your date. And it’s scientifically proven that people like the sound of their own name, so be sure to use it with some frequency — just don’t make it weird.

9. Express kindness to the waiter

You can’t just be kind to your date — you need to be nice to everyone around you, including the waiters and bartenders. If you’re rude to the poor man or woman serving you dinner, how does your date know you won’t be rude in other social situations?

10. Be present at your date

We love Twitter, iMessage, and Candy Crush as much as the next person, but you’re out engaging with another real person in a real place. Be present at your date, and keep your cell phone tucked away in your pocket or purse.

11. Pick up the bills

Some women think men should automatically pay for the first date. Others think that whoever initiated the date should pay. Some believe that dates should be split 50/50. Honestly, all of these are the right (and wrong) answer. But if you’re looking to make a great impression, you should at least reach for the check first.