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5 Best Platforms You Can Earn Money From


You may now earn money for generating and sharing content in addition to working with businesses and participating in sponsored initiatives. Additionally, several social media networks offer cash incentives to authors as compensation for their labor of love.

Who pays for content, though, and how can you profit from these platforms? Some of these are social media will pay you to produce content on their platforms.

1. YouTube

Content creators who produce long-form video content on YouTube may also earn money. This is determined however by the number of subscribers and views you have, and the impact you have on a certain community. All these go a long way to determine how much you may make on YouTube. You can start earning money if you have 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 public watch hours in the previous 12 months.

Apart from the money YouTube pays, the platform is a perfect place for placing ads and showcasing your business to the world. The only catch is that you must have an existing business to advertise first and you will pay for ads. Check out our post for business ideas that can fetch you money. Click Here

2. Facebook

By providing tools and assistance to individuals who develop communities on the app, Facebook is assisting content producers in diversifying their earnings. Facebook offers a variety of methods to make money, including in-stream adverts, sponsored content, fan subscriptions, and groups.

Monetization is possible on Facebook for people who have a business page, but the material must follow the company’s monetization guidelines. Earnings are calculated using the advertiser, the number of video views, and subscription financing.

Another way of making money with Facebook is making use of the marketplace. The Facebook Market place is a special feature that allows business owners to advertise their businesses and sell goods and services on the app.

3. Instagram

If you want to make money through affiliate marketing and sponsored posts, Instagram has long been proved an excellent social media platform to use. Users on Instagram can also purchase badges during live streams to express monetary support to a content provider. Fans may lend their support while watching a live webcast.

Instagram, at first used to be the sphere of pictures and entertainment but in recent years, especially following the pandemic, Instagram has bloomed as a site for online trading. Most items are listed for prospective buyers to see and make offers.

4. Twitter

Like other social media platforms, you can advertise your business on your walls. However, Twitter also has its money-making unique feature.

Twitter’s Tip Jar is a money-based mechanism to accept and demonstrate appreciation for the service. Android and iPhone users may, in essence, send and receive Tips. Currently, this tool is available to a wide range of users, including creators, journalists, professionals, and non-profit organizations.

You may access payment methods and platforms such as PayPal, Patreon, Cash App, and others by tapping on the icon. Sending and receiving money is made very simple, just with a click. You can also link your Tip Jar to a Strike wallet to transfer and receive Bitcoin, which is handy if you’re aiming to accumulate cryptocurrency.

5. Podcast

Creative endeavor, such as podcasting, does not generate revenue unless others choose to watch you. It takes time for listeners to recognize your worth. So, if you want to start a podcast because you need a paycheck this week, you should search for another means to make money.

However, if you put in the effort to create outstanding material, continuously upload new episodes, and engage your audience, you will ultimately construct a program that earns money for every episode.

You can earn money from Podcasts through sponsorship, affiliate sales, complementary products, or from asking your fans directly to support your show.


One way to earn money on social media platforms is consistency. Be consistent in what you are doing and the gains will come trickling in.

Don’t Let Sex Become a Chore: 6 Ways to Improve your Sex Life


Not hitting the right spots in your sexual life can be very frustrating. Sex is part of a relationship and should be enjoyed and something is wrong if your sex life is falling short of the pleasures you deserve.

There are always ways to solve this problem and here are some simple suggestions to help rekindle the passion in your sexual relationship, some of which I’ve personally tested.

1.  Learn to talk about sex with your partner

It might not be an easy task talking to your partner about sex, maybe as a result of shyness or fear of violating your partner’s privacy, this might make it challenging to start talking about sex, especially in a new relationship. However, talking to your spouse will be helpful if you find that sex you are having isn’t enjoyable for you.

Talking will make both of you be inspired to open up and express your thoughts more so if you have an honest, heartfelt conversation. You should avoid lecturing or reprimanding your spouse if you want this talk to be productive and not a cause of conflict. Gently describe what you want, not what your spouse is doing incorrectly.

Pick a good moment to have this topic. It may happen during breakfast, in the restroom, or even in bed. And don’t be shy about it, a sexual fulfilling lifestyle with your partner is a good and enjoyable experience.

2.  Practice Kegel exercises

Men and women have been known to enhance their sex life by working their pelvic floor muscles. This exercise is called Kegels and despite what you have heard, is not strictly for pregnant women.

To perform these exercises, contract the muscle you would use to try to halt the flow of pee. After holding the contraction for two to three seconds, let go. 10 times total. Try as many as five sets each day. These exercises may be performed anywhere, whether you’re in a car, or at your desk, and that is the best part of it. Just squeeze in and release, then again.

3.  Consider aphrodisiac foods

Food and sex are essentially two basic needs of man, and the human race needs both to survive. People frequently mix these two for more enjoyment, which is not surprising.

Anything that stimulates and boosts libido is considered an aphrodisiac. The finest aphrodisiac foods are thought to include chocolate, oysters, avocados, red peppers, ginseng, honey, strawberries, and almonds. Only ginseng, however, has been determined to be useful in treating male sexual dysfunction, according to recent studies.

All other aphrodisiac meals for both sexes include mood-enhancing ingredients like chocolate and chili peppers, as well as healthy vitamins and minerals like honey, avocado, strawberries, and almonds (which include zinc and oysters, and vitamin B).


4.  Use Lubricants

There’s nothing shameful about using lubricants, especially if you are not getting enough natural lubrication. Sex might be painful and unenjoyable if you decide to go for the alternative. There are lots of lubricants that you can get from a sex shop, a drugstore or even a recommendation from your gynecologist will do if you are not sure of what to buy.

5.  Practice Intimacy outside the bedroom

Intimacy should not only be when it is time to hop into bed. Kisses, hugs, and holding hands are little acts that will keep your partner loved and eager for the big act. Having baths together, cuddling, every intimate act counts. This way, nobody will feel that having sex was out of duty and you’d enjoy the act more.

6.  Seek the Help of a Therapist or a Sex Coach

Mostly as a last resort, if things are not getting better, you and your partner should seek the service of a sex coach or better still, a therapist. Yes, it is never easy talking to a stranger about your sex-related problems, but bear in mind that they are professionals and they are there to help you.

At times, it might be a third party that can assist us in resolving problems we find challenging. Sex therapy may help with a variety of concerns, including sexual education, sexual trauma, intimacy problems, physical challenges, relationship troubles, lack of or excessive desire, and sexual discomfort.

Top 5 Mistakes Newlyweds make


Every marriage has its mistakes and learns together through time, but several extremely typical mistakes are committed and are not considered, especially by newlyweds. The fact is that you both have a lot of work to do to keep your relationship going. Couples would want to avoid marital conflict as much as possible, but this is not always feasible.

These are frequent mistakes made by newlywed couples and how to avoid them.

Mistake 1.  Expecting your spouse to change overnight

Don’t get into a marriage believing you can change your guy or lady once the rings are exchanged. This is a recipe for disaster in your marriage. If you don’t like something before being married, it won’t suddenly alter after you’re married. Just because you’ve committed to each other doesn’t imply you can mold your spouse into your ideal match. Allow for mistakes while remaining clear about expectations, and constantly continue to grow together.

Mistake 2.  Not setting boundaries early enough for third parties

In certain circumstances, a married couple’s marriage involves not just the husband and wife, but also parents, in-laws, closest friends, or other persons beyond their inner circle. It’s certainly wonderful to have a beautiful, strong support system to aid you and your spouse when you’re confronting a challenge. But if those folks turned out to be demanding, or complicating matters, then it’s time to pull the rug. So, before you let third parties into your relationship, you must realize that you and your spouse have to set limits about external participation, such as avoiding informing others about your marriage’s internal difficulties.

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Mistake 3.  Expecting it to be as in the movies

Don’t expect a storybook romance or a perfect rom-com if you marry. 95% of relationships will never be as in the movies. People in real life have obstacles, issues, and challenges they battle every day. They don’t become error-free just because you are married now. It never works that way. You’ll be shocked to learn that your spouse might not be as perfect as you envisioned them to be.

This time around, you must learn to appreciate the real-world love you and your new spouse have and leave the movies for screens.

Mistake 4.  Being secretive about finances

Everybody has money problems at times. One common error that many wedded couples do is not being completely honest with one another about their financial condition or concerns. The woman may hide away receipts from her costly shopping or the husband may have invested a large portion of their money in an enterprise without informing his wife.

Unfortunately, money is one of the leading causes of divorce, and so we cannot emphasize enough the need of being open and honest with one another when it comes to household finances. A husband and wife should be aware of how much money they make, spend, invest, owe, lend, or borrow. Leaving a gap or completely being dishonest in this will surely backfire, leading to difficulties, sooner or later.

Mistake 5.  Making decisions without consulting each other

It takes two to tango and marriage is a union of two persons. Everything in a marriage should strictly be teamwork. This also entails that you should always consider their perspective while making a choice, especially one concerning the family, money, job, or other key life direction. However, many married couples make the error of not discussing their partner while making plans or decisions. Most likely, these newlyweds have not yet adjusted to their recent status and are still used to living alone as a single person, but that should alter the moment you take your vows. To make things easier, begin including your potential spouse subconsciously in your plans and aspirations, so you may consider their opinions and judgments.

Inferiority Complex and 4 Best Ways to Gain Confidence

inferiority complex

An inferiority complex is a system of ideas we have about ourselves in which we constantly place less importance on ourselves than on others. It is a result of a combination of poor self-worth, uncertainty, and doubt, as well as emotions of not measuring up to expectations. We contrast ourselves with others, whether consciously or unintentionally.

When we feel inferior, we constantly compare ourselves to others and come up short in the process. We frequently exaggerate our weaknesses and undervalue our talents. This point of view results in persistent emotions such as misery, despair, rage, resentment, anxiety, jealousy, agony, and a sense of guilt over these emotions.

Causes of Inferiority Complex

People have an inferiority complex for different reasons. Some of them might be:

  1. Low self-worth, low self-esteem, and a history of depressive symptoms
  1. The pressure to be flawless
  1. Someone prone to attention- and approval-seeking activities may be more vulnerable.
  2. Wrong parental upbringing and measures, parents being unkind, harsh, or using over strict measures.
  1. Negative social encounters, media exposure to negative messaging, and bullying.
  1. Poor socioeconomic status.
  1. Failure or discouragement. The inability to meet up with your goals, despite the perfect plans already laid down.

Signs of Inferiority Complex

These are some of the signs of inferiority complex to watch out for, whether in yourself, a friend, or a colleague :

  1. Low self-efficacy and motivation, ineffective self-directed learning techniques, and a sense of unease or anxiety.
  1. Criticism is always hurtful and unacceptable. Even helpful criticism might bring a  feeling of being assaulted and exacerbate emotions of guilt or shame.
  1. Unending anxiety and a great reluctance to put faith in or trust people, and a morbid fear of being rejected.
  1. Disapproval is envisioned first. Regardless of what others may say to the contrary, they will always assume that others perceive them as worthless.
  1. Envy and depression over other people’s successes and positivity.
  1. Feel subservient. Rarely speaking out or making their stance on matters known.
  1. A radical effort to be perfect and excellent. And a complete falling apart and breakdown if anything they do or partake in isn’t flawless.

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Overcoming Inferiority Complex and Gaining Confidence

1. Try to figure out the source

Inferiority complex could have their roots in your past. A negative childhood experience, a traumatic encounter, or a string of insults from different people over the years might be to blame. Think back on your past. Consider any events that could have contributed to the inferiority complex.  You must investigate the root cause of your inferiority complex and locate the source of your issue by tackling them. This is because once you have a better understanding of your emotions, you may take the required actions to get over them.

2.  Stop Bothering about what other people’s opinions about you are

The main source of these complexes is worrying excessively about what other people think of you. This will occasionally be about things that others have said to you, while other times it will be entirely about what you assume they are thinking. We have issues with ourselves depending on whether or not others think we are good enough. This is the fastest way to depression and develops an inferior mentality. The truth remains that the only thing that matters, in the end, is how you view yourself. Studies have shown that when we feel good about ourselves, other people tend to feel the same way.

3.  Build your Self-Confidence

Make a list of your top 10 strengths and place it at a place where you’ll see it every day. Be sure to include items from many areas of your life. We are made up of a variety of components. You will feel more secure and confident, and you will solidify ingrained notions that you are important and deserving of attention.

4.  Avoid Toxic People

Get rid of negative individuals from your life and the bad energy so that you may surround yourself with good things. Develop relationships where there is mutual listening, kindness, and accountability. Locate those that are eager to assist you in becoming the finest version of yourself.

Final Thought

I want you to know that you are beautiful or handsome and you are enough just the way you are. Make sure to put all tips in practice and you will be happy you did.

Friendship: What to do When You Have a Crush on Your Friend


Finding out you have feelings for a friend, whether they are romantic or simply sexual, may be very perplexing. The nature of friendship makes it difficult to predict how it will turn out. Either there is no sexual tension at all since you get to know each other so well that it nearly feels like a family relationship or the warmth of your friendship can produce something that resembles sexual chemistry.

It’s not as simple as Harlequin and Mills and Boons made it appear. According to a recent study, close to 70% of romances start as friendships, but the hows and whens of this have not yet been fully explained.

Recognize your feelings

Understanding your emotions is crucial before taking any action. It’s typical to be perplexed by fresh feelings for a friend, but being uncertain about the feelings you are having can make you anxious and ultimately harm your friendship. It is important to be sure of your feelings, and check what it entails first before taking any other step.

Determine if they have the same feelings for you

 Sometimes it’s easy to tell when someone feels the same way about you: they go out of their way to help you, hang out often with you, etc. Sometimes attempting to figure out how someone feels about us is like trying to solve a puzzle.

These are three steps you can take to be sure. Ask them out on a date, keep an eye on how they behave around you or simply ask them outright if they have feelings for you.

Recognize the issues involved and decide whether speaking your mind is worth it

You must ascertain the issues at hand if you hope to pursue a love relationship with this person. Even in the best-case situation, you’ll lose this person as just your closest friend since they’ll wind up becoming your partner, which may be a lot more difficult than a platonic friendship.

In the worst situation, it may make your friendship uneasy and even change it permanently. Sometimes, even if they have the same feelings for you and you start dating, it is nearly impossible going back to being just friends if the relationship falls through.


Make a Decision then

The next choice is whether or not to tell your friend how you feel after you’ve given yourself some time to reflect on your emotions and are certain that they are romantic. When you think about all the scenarios that could happen in this situation, it can be frightening. It may be beneficial to keep in mind that they are a friend, and so they genuinely care about you.

Be ready for any response and be willing to respect your friend’s choice

You must be ready for every response if you want to disclose your romantic feelings. Your friend might ignore your feelings, share them, or do something in between.

You should maintain composure and show as much understanding as you can.  Remember to cut your friend some slacks for any surprise, perplexity, or dumb queries because, in most circumstances, you will have had far more time to think about your sentiments than they will have.

After the conversation, figure out how to move on

You must find a strategy to try to get rid of your amorous feelings if the talk doesn’t go as you had hoped. Provide some space for yourself so that you can take some time to heal your wounds. You are free to go on dates with other people. No one is guaranteeing it will be enjoyable, but it may be useful.

But if it works the way you hoped, congratulations. There are lots of grey areas but dating your friend is surely one of the best relationships. Things may seem awkward at first, stop fussing, relax and enjoy the ride.

Final Thought

Having a crush on your friend is not a bad thing, if you are rejected or if the love wasn’t reciprocated, don’t feel bad about it, at least you tried your best. Do not close your heart afterwards because you will always find love, but love has to find your heart open for it to happen.