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Chinese New Year of Tiger


Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year starts with the ascending of the second new moon after the colder time of year solstice (21 December).

This can happen on any date between 21 January and 20 February.

Otherwise called the Spring Festival, New Year is celebrated by Chinese people across the world. The merriments usher out the old year and are intended to bring good luck and prosperity in the new one.

There are family meals and open air exhibitions including fireworks, firecrackers and often dancing dragons. The significant celebrations are held on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.

A large number of individuals will traverse China – sometimes thousands of miles – to celebrate with their families.
Chinese people decorate their homes with red for best of luck and youngsters are given cash in radiant red envelopes.

Festivities keep going for a considerable length of time, finishing on 15 February this year with the lantern festival, which denotes the full moon.

Since the 1990s, individuals in China have been given seven days off work for New Year. As indicated by China’s Ministry of Commerce, individuals these days spend more than 820bn yuan (£96bn) on shopping and feasting during this period.

This year is the Year of the Tiger. It is said that youngsters brought into the world in the year ahead will be courageous, brave, competitive and strong.

History of Chinese New Year?

Chinese New Year is thought to trace all the way back to the fourteenth century BC, when the Shang dynasty dominated.

Its origin are saturated with legend. One story in the HSK textbook says that a beast named Nian (“Year”) attacked villagers toward the beginning of every year. Nian was afraid of loud noises, bright lights and the colour red. It was man and his dog that helped the villagers use those things and chase the beast away.


Since the dragon is a Chinese symbol of power and favorable luck, numerous region of the nation have dragon dancing, during which a long, brilliant dragon puppet is marched through the roads, as the highlight of festivities.

New Year is additionally when people clean their homes completely to dispose of any misfortune left over from the old year.

There are other countries that celebrate this festival. Countries in East Asia like: Vietnam, South and North Korea, Mongolia.

Some countries across the world also host this festival like, New York holds firecracker ceremony, Singapore hosts Chinese street parade and Manchester hosts dragon dancing.

35 New Year Wishes

5 Best ways to be happy in a relationship


Being in a happy relationship is everybody’s dream but not everybody knows how to be happy in a relationship. A healthy and happy relationship is the best relationship anyone can have. It not only makes you feel fulfilled but makes you live longer.

When two people are incompatible, it is very difficult to build a successful and a happy relationship. Which is why I advice anyone going into a relationship to make researches and be sure they are compatible with their partner before going into a serious relationship.

Most people tend to stay in an unhealthy relationship because they are afraid of being alone. Forgetting that the fastest way to a failed relationship is to end up with the wrong person.

Every relationship has problems that they face even happy relationship. So, thinking you won’t face any challenges or have any problems because you are in a happy and healthy relationship is not entirely true.

The 5 best ways to be happy in a relationship are:

Don’t be a people pleaser

No matter what you do, you can never satisfy everybody, so stop doing things that are detrimental to your well-being. Stop trying to please people, when you know it will only make you unhappy. Be your authentic self when you are in a relationship. Allow your partner to love you for who you are. Your partner shouldn’t have the final say in your life, be active in decision making process. You can listen to advice but don’t take all advice. You are the one in control of your life, so stop worrying what people are thinking about you.

Don’t Compare

Comparison affects our mental health. It weakens you and sometimes makes one feel useless and not good enough. There is no perfect relationship. Every relationship has it’s own challenges and problems, so do not be deceived by the outside display. Be grateful for what you have and never stop putting effort to make it better.

Disregard the thought of changing your partner

No one is perfect, you should always have this at the back of your mind. Your partner mustn’t have all the personality trait you want. So, forget about changing them and try to accept them for who they are. Trying to change one partner, is the reason for some fights in a relationship. For you to avoid that, you need to fully accept your partners flaws and imperfections, this way, you will find it easier to get along with each other.

Encourage Communication

A strong relationship is built on mutual trust, honest communication and genuine empathy. Always communicate your feelings and emotions with your partner. Let them know how you feel about something, stop keeping it to yourself and allowing it to eat you up. People forget that, when they don’t communicate their feelings and emotions, your partners won’t know what they are doing right or wrong. A good communication in a relationship, makes the relationship a happy and strong one. Learn to communicate with your partner to avoid exploding one day and causing a disaster that would have been easily solved.

Make your partner feel loved and appreciated

Appreciating your partner and making them feel loved is a great way to make your relationship a happy one. When someone feels loved and appreciated, the chances of cheating on their partner is low. When a person is contented with what they have, they tend to be happy in that place. The major cause of infidelity is poor communication, lack of affection and unmet expectations. For you to build a good and happy relationship with your partner, you need to learn their love languages and use it frequently but don’t forget to tell them what you need too. Because when one is only giving and not receiving, that relationship cannot be happy.

Final Thought

Relationship experts advise people to make themselves happy, instead of waiting for their partners to make them happy. Be happy first and love yourself first before loving others and making others happy. When you are a happy person, you will be in a better position to make others happy. So everything starts from you!

Hope you got something from this. Do leave a comment and share for others to learn too.

Thank you for reading!

35 best New Year wishes and messages for 2022


Constructing a message or a wish can be daunting sometimes. Sometimes the words to use won’t just come at the right time. You will end up spending much time than necessary. That is why this post ’35 best new year wishes and messages for 2022′ is your best option, to help save your time and to help put a smile on the faces of those you will send it to.


  • I’m honored to realize that I have companions like you in my life this New Year. Here’s to numerous years to come!
  • Hopefully that the new year brings us heaps of especially intriguing open doors in our lives. This new year will be our year. Happy New Year!
  • Joyous New Year! Keep in mind, regardless of what the year brings, you are adored and you are solid.
  • Pop, bubble, clunk—how about we toast to the future and pour another beverage! Cheerful New Year!
  • May this coming year favor you with adoration, harmony, and strengthening.
  • Wishing you and each of your friends and family wellbeing and joy in the new year.
  • Cheerful 2022, so happy we’re ready to hang out following an entire year!
  • May all distresses get locked, and you get showered with the most elite favors
  • Attempt to unwind in the new year… and don’t contemplate every one of the goals you should be beginning!
  • Wishing you long life, happiness, prosperity, God’s guidance and protection in this wonderful year.


  • Happy New Year! May this year be loaded with excellent undertakings and openings.
  • Life is short – think ambitiously and capitalize on 2022!
  • May the New Year give you joy, harmony, and thriving. Wishing you a blissful 2022!
  • Cheerful New Year! We should toast to the previous accomplishments and the upcoming brilliant future.
  • Wishing you wellbeing, riches, and satisfaction in the New Year ahead.
  • Cheerful New Year! All the best for harmony and thriving in 2022.
  • Happy New Year! May all your days be filled with love and happiness this year.
  • Cheerful New Year! We should perceive the number of additional ’90s styles we’ll bring back from our old family collections!
  • Regardless of where this year takes us, we’ll forever feel at ease when we’re with family.
  • They say blood is thicker than water, however champagne’s more grounded than both—we should drink and celebrate the new year!
  • There’s no gathering I’d prefer “good wishes” with while commending this fresh start. Cheerful New Year!
  • Like your beloved extra, I’ll be close by any place 2022 takes us.
  • Here’s to one more year of kinship loaded up with FaceTime, pardoning, fun, and remarkableness!
  • May each snapshot of this current year would be one of a kind, loaded up with unadulterated delight and every day comes out like precisely what you need… Happy New Year.
  • Partake in this unique season with those you love, and may the Lord favor you all with a glad and solid New Year.
  • We should see what sort of tricks we can find ourselves mixed up with this year!
  • All that sparkles is gold, and this gathering sure is brilliant. Cheerful New Year!
  • Wishing you a Happy New Year, overflowing with satisfying and energizing freedoms. Also recall, assuming open door doesn’t present itself, construct an entryway!
  • Cheerful 2022! Kindly don’t make a goal of stopping this year.
  • Here’s to one more year of inquiring as to whether that gathering was really essential.
  • Wishing you all an ecstatic new year. Trust that happiness and achievement follow you in each area of life.
  • To a New Year brimming with additional opportunities, despite the fact that I’m certain we’ll simply do the normal, worn out stuff in any case.
  • This new year message is stuffed brimming with infection free much love only for you! We really want to believe that you have an extremely cheerful new year and that we can see you again soon. Up to that point, cheers to you from afar for your great wellbeing and satisfaction!
  • Wishing you an exceptionally happy New Year regardless of these troublesome occasions. We truly wish things were unique and that we could visit you! We trust that the new year gives your family much joy and flourishing, and that in time the world will be a protected spot once more. Deal with yourselves and see you on Zoom soon!
  • Time to move on to better things! Sending you all the best for better days ahead in 2022!

Read about New Year Resolutions Here. 









5 best ways to make and keep a new year resolution


It’s New Year again and you will definitely make resolutions, but be warned because more than half of all resolutions fail. Some fail in January while others don’t even last till March. But this time, with the help of these 5 best ways to make and keep a new year resolutions, they don’t have to be yours. Here’s how to identify the right resolution to ameliorate your life, produce a plan on how to reach it, and become part of the small group of people that successfully achieve their goals. According to the time management firm FranklinCovey, one third of resolutioners don’t make it past the end of January.

I don’t want you to be part of the one third people who fail to achieve their resolutions, that is why this post 5 best ways to make and keep a New Year resolution will be very good for you to read and digest well. They are:

  1. Pick the right resolution
  2. Make a plan
  3. Make it personal
  4. Leap over resolution hurdles
  5. Find a community

Pick the Right Resolution

You’ll give yourself your good shot at success if you set a goal that’s realizable — and meaningful too. A lot of these resolutions fail because they’re not the right resolutions. And a resolution may be wrong for one of three main reasons:

* It’s a resolution grounded on what someone differently (or society) is telling you to change.

* It’s too vague.

* You don’t have a realistic plan for achieving your resolution.

Your goals should be smart — and SMART. That’s an acronym coined in the journal Management Review in 1981 for specific, measurable, attainable, applicable and time-bound. It may work for operation, but it can also work in setting your resolutions, too.

When making your resolutions, choose the ones you want to change or achieve and not because someone wants you to or ask you to.

Make a Plan

Your end goal won’t just magically appear. There are ways to figure out how to get there, because you won’t just wake up and change your life, you not only need a plan for what to do, but also for what roadblocks you’ll come through along the way. If you’re trying to form or break a habit. Mr. Duhigg suggested breaking down that habit into its three parts: a cue, a routine and a reward.

For example:

Bad Habit: I am on social media too frequently.

Cue: I feel insolated.

Routine: I check my social media.

Reward: I feel connected.

Way to change the behavior:  Rather than checking your social media, get up and talk to a coworker.

Related: Setting Goals in 2022

Make it Personal 

Try as much as possible to make your resolutions very personal. There should be a reason why you want to change things. It shouldn’t be because of others but rather because you want to, this will give you the strength to continue striving even when the journey becomes too tough.

But while your plan should be realistic and encouraging, it should also allow for ineluctable hurdles that are going to crop up. Pauline Wallin, a psychologist and author of “Taming Your Inner Brat,” said any resolution plan should include room for mistakes. “You’re there for the long haul. You have to anticipate slip ups,” she said. “There will be times when you’ll say, ‘I’ll make a mess of things and I ’m just going to start again hereafter.’ Don’t rebuke yourself? Focus on what you’re doing well for yourself rather than what mistake you made,” she said.

Leap Over Resolution Hurdles

Nobody is perfect, and your quest for your resolution won’t be either. But you can get back on track. What’s the best way to attack problems that arise on your way to success? First, remember no matter how well you plan, change is hard. “You’re up against a part of yourself that’s not going to change. It’s always going to push at you in certain directions that are unhealthy. You’re going to have to really create something step by step in order to manage it.

Find a Community

You don’t need to do it alone, especially if your resolution starts in the new year when you’ll have plenitude of company in trying to make a life change. You don’t inescapably need to find a special group, but you should let a person or two know that you’re setting a goal. “Tell them your plan and ask them to hold you responsible”. That way it’s a public commitment, and you might feel like you have a community supporting you that wants to see you succeed.

You can also use social media to make your goal public, like posting on Facebook, along with updates of your hobby in progress. But that can be a double-whetted sword, why because,  you might get a boatload of sympathy at a time when you really need a strong drive, or indeed worse, you’ll get unasked feedback from someone you haven’t spoken to since high school. “You’ll get a lot of advice, which utmost people don’t want but are going to get anyway”.

You can give your family or friend money and ask them not to give you back until you reach your goal. Or find likeminded resolvers online like Facebook groups. Cut back on some bad influences, some family members and friends who discourage and don’t push you.

Final Thought 

If you decide to follow these steps in making and keeping your resolutions next year, I assure you will be very proud you did. Many people tend to make many unachievable resolutions, without putting the above into consideration. Make sure you make resolutions that you will be willing to change no matter the hurdles that comes your way.

Thanks for reading!

10 Best New year eve concerts 2021


It’s another time of the year where we all want to say good bye to the about to be previous year. But with the increase of the Covid-19, things won’t be the way they used to be.
And As 2022 approaches, many people are concluding to stay home Friday evening to avoid catching the largely contagious Omicron variant, which is spreading across the globe. Luckily, there are plenitude of ways to celebrate the vacation from home, thanks to a number of gleeful Television specials raising on NBC, CBS, ABC and other networks.
Among the viewing options are CNN’s “ New Year’s Eve Live” and ABC’s “ New Year’s Rockin’Eve,” both hosted from New York City’s periodic festivity in Times Square. New York’s fests will do but have been gauged back because of Omicron to limit the number of people allowed to watch the ball drop at night.

So many events and shows have been cancelled because of the recent spread of the Omicron virus, also affected by Omicron is Fox’s “ New Year’s Eve Toast & Rally 2022,” which was supposed to take place in New York with performances by Imagine Dragons, Maroon 5, Billy Idol, Pink and Trace Adkins. Last week, the network canceled the telecast, which would ’ve been hosted by actors Ken Jeong and Joel McHale, because of the rearmost coronavirus swell. This 10 best new year eve concerts 2021 will be of great help to you, so make sure to read through them and choose the one you will be watching tonight.
For the utmost part, however, small- screen New Year’s Eve fests feel to be moving forward.

‘New Year’s Eve Live With Anderson Cooper & Andy Cohen’

Where:  CNN
When: 5 and 10:30p.m.
What:  The longtime musketeers and Television hosts will reunite to anchor CNN’s main New Year’s Eve content from New York City for the fifth time, with fresh dispatches from Las Vegas, Key West,Fla., Puerto Rico and Minneapolis. Before this week, Cohen reportedly promised a addict on Instagram that he’d “ get (Cooper) drunk like my life depended on it,” so observers should be in for a delightful night.

The broadcast will also feature celebrity appearances and performances by Katy Perry, William Shatner, Patti LaBelle, Duran Duran, Amanda Gorman, Patti LuPone, David Arquette, Leslie Jordan, Cheri Oteri, Earth, Wind & Fire and others.

‘All American New Year’

Where: Fox News Channel
When: 7 and 10:30p.m.
What: Hosted by “ Fox & Musketeers Weekend”co-anchors Pete Hegseth and Rachel Campos-Duffy, Fox News’New Year’s Eve circus will include a line-dancing competition, a Times Square scavenger quest and stand-up comedy, as well as dispatches from Nashville, New Orleans, Charleston,S.C., and Tampa Bay, Fla. Plus, performances from Trace Adkins, Eddie Montgomery, Sister Hazel and Lindsay Ell.

‘Great Performances at the Met’

Where: PBS SoCal
When: 7:30p.m.
What: The Metropolitan Opera is hosting a New Year’s Eve fete, featuring performances from Angel Blue, Enough Yende, Javier Camarena and Matthew Polenzani.

‘2021 It’s Toast!’

Where: NBC
When: 8p.m.
What:  “ Moment” showco-hosts Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager will helm NBC’s early New Year’s Eve content, featuring appearances and performances from Michael Bublé, Amber Ruffin, Lisa Vanderpump and others.

‘New Year’s Eve Live Nashville’s Big Bash’

Where:  KCBS
When: 8 and 11:30p.m.
What: Hosted by radio host Bobby Bones and TV journalist Rachel Smith, “ Nashville’s Big Bash” will feature performances from a number of country music stars, including Jason Aldean, Jimmie Allen, Kelsea Ballerini, Gabby Barrett, Dierks Bentley, Brooks & Dunn, Luke Bryan, Elle King, Miranda Lambert, Darius Rucker, Blake Shelton, Cole Swindell and Zac Brown Band.

Click Here to watch the New Year Eve Livestream 

‘Dick Clark’s Primetime New Year’s Rockin’Eve With Ryan Seacrest 2022′

Where:  KABC
When:  8, 10 and 11:30p.m.
What: The “ American Idol” and radio host will helm ABC’s New Year’s fests from New York City. The maturity of the performances, still, will take place in Los Angeles AJR, Daisy the Great, Avril Lavigne, Travis Barker, Big Boi, Sleepy Brown, D-Nice, Don Omar and Nio Garcia, French Montana, Macklemore with Ryan Lewis and Windser, Mae Muller, Måneskin, Masked Wolf, One Republic, Polo G and Walker Hayes are each on theL.A. lineup.

Performing from New York will be Journey and Karol G, while Billy Porter will take the stage in New Orleans, and Daddy Yankee will play in Puerto Rico. LL Cool J, who lately tested positive for COVID-19, and Chloë will no longer be sharing in the show.

‘ Preamble to New Year’s Eve 2022 Live’

Where:  KTLA
When: 8:58p.m.
What:  KTLA anchors will ring in the new time from Las Vegas.

‘United in Song Celebrating the American Dream’

Where: PBS SoCal
When: 9p.m.
What: Broadway legend Chita Rivera will host a New Year’s Eve musicale from Philadelphia’s Independence Hall. Players include Delbert Anderson, Jencarlos Canela, Judy Collins, Midori, Sandi Patty, Lea Salonga, Paulo Szot, the Washington Ballet and the American Pops Orchestra.

Click here to Watch Movies on Netflix to keep the Holiday spirit going.

‘CNN New Year’s Eve Live With Don Lemon and Alisyn Camerota’

Where: CNN
When: 9:30p.m.
What: Following Cohen and Cooper’s Times Square circus, CNN associates Lemon and Camerota will take over from New Orleans with help from funnyman Dulcé Sloan.

‘Miley’s New Year’s Eve Party Hosted by Miley Cyrus and Pete Davidson’

Where: KNBC and Peacock
When: 10:30p.m.
What: The songster and the “ Saturday Night Live” star will host NBC’s New Year’s Eve bash from Miami. Players include Brandi Carlile, Billie, Joe Armstrong, Saweetie, Anitta, Jack Harlow, 24kGoldn, Kitty Cash and “ further surprises to come.”


Make sure you don’t sit at home feeling sad for not being able to attend these concerts. Just try your best to feel happy and make sure to watch these concerts with your loved ones, because, you will really enjoy it. You can also decide to pray with your family instead of watching these concerts or after watching these concerts ( either way is great). I hope you will enjoy watching them though.

Thanks for reading!