When asked “What is Love definition”?
At first I thought I was faking it
But when I will hear your voice and keep smiling the whole day
When I will see your text and keep memorizing what you said
When I will perceive your perfume even when you are very far away
When I will close my eyes to sleep and only see you in my dreams
When I will talk about you and won’t stop smiling
When I will love to listen to what you say even when you aren’t making sense
When all I want to do is to talk about you to my friends even when its nothing related to you
When I will be very angry at you for not replying me immediately
When I will be so mad that all I want to do is to hit you but will soften once I see your text message or hear your voice and forget that I was angry
When I keep checking my phone to see if the messages that comes in were from you
That was when I knew that it was all real
And I was finally in love with you.